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broker n.经纪人;股票经纪人 [a ~ house 证券公司 (

bromide n.嗅化物;平凡人;陈腔滥调

bronchitis n.支气管炎

bronze n.a.青铜;青铜制品;青铜色 [F

brooch n.胸针或领针 [ME broche = BROACH(]

brood n.v.窝;孵;沉思 [OE brod

brook n.容忍;小河 [OE brucan

browbeat v.恫吓;威吓 [(brow + beat) ~ a person into working 威吓某人工作 ~ a person out of going alone 吓阻某人单独去]

browse n.嫩叶;放牧;浏览书本 [(n)

bruise v.打伤 [ME

bruit v.传布;散布(谣言等) [F, = noise

brunch n.早午餐 [BR(EAKFAST) + (L)UNCH]

brusque a.唐突的;粗率的 [F

brutal a.野蛮的 [F brutal or medL brutalis

brute n.畜生;残暴的人 [F

bubble n.泡沫

buckle n.v.扣子;弯曲;扣住 [ME]

bucolic a.乡村的;牧人的 [L bucolicus

bud n.芽;花蕾,未发育的东西

buddy n.同伴;伙伴;弟兄 [perh. corrupt. of brother, or var. of BUTTY]

budget n.预算;预算案;营运费 [ME = pouch,

buffalo n.水牛;美国野牛 [prob.

buffer n.缓冲器;减弱冲突的人 [18th c.: prob. formed as BUFFER or with the sense 'stutterer']

buffet n.v.冷餐;殴打;冲击;搏斗

buffoon n.丑角;滑稽剧演员 [F bouffon

buffoonery n.滑稽 [F bouffon

bug n.昆虫;故障;装置防犯铃 [buggy 多虫的;马车 (虫)amoeba 阿米巴,变形虫 aphis 芽虫,獐螂 beetle 甲虫;木槌;杵;v.凸出 bot ] [蝇的幼虫;马的肤病之一种 cantharides 斑螫;斑螫干燥制剂]

bugaboo n.鬼怪 [prob of dial orig: cf Welsh bwcibo the Devil, bwci hobgoblin 调皮的小鬼 (小妖精) 鬼怪]

bugle n.喇叭