porcelain n.瓷器
Edith enjoys collecting fine porcelain from around the world.
prodigal adj.浪费的
同extravagant, wasteful
Randy’s prodigal spending usually leaves him broke at the end of each month.兰迪花钱大手大脚,所以他每逢月底常一毛不剩。
quota n.配额
同allocation, portion, proportion, ration
The factory had a quota of refrigerators that they had to make every work day.工厂对每个工作日冰箱的生产量有配额。
rapture n.狂喜
同ecstasy, delight, exaltation
His rapture at seeing his newborn daughter could be seen on his face.见到初生女儿时的狂喜在他的脸上展露无遗。
remnant n.残屑
同small piece, shred, remainder, residue
These few trees are the only remnants of a great forest that once grew here.这几棵树是这里以前的大森林的残余。
reverse v.①倒转②取消;废弃
同1.invert, turn back 2.alter, overthrow, upset
Janet reversed the car into the garage.
satirical adj.讽刺的
同bitter, cynical, ironical, sarcastic, sardonic
Satirical comedies about politics are very popular television shows in the U.S..
seethe v.沸腾
同boil, surge, churn, fizz
The pot of stew on the stove seethed until it nearly boiled over.
sentry n.哨兵
同watch, guard, sentinel, watchman, patrol
The sentry stopped the two men and demanded to see their identifications.哨兵拦下这两名男子,要求看他们的证件。
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