beware v.注意;小心;警戒 [Beware of pickpockets. 谨防扒手 WARE小心;器具;货物]
bewilder v.使为难,使不知所措 [wilder lose one's way]
bewitch v.迷惑;陶醉 [wiccian enchant wicca WITCH 女巫;迷人的女人;狐狸精]
bias n.n.斜线;成见,心里的倾向
bibliography n.文献学;参考书目 [bibliographie modL bibliographia (BIBLE,-GRAPHY)]
bibliophile n.珍爱藏书者;藏书家 [ bibliophile(BIBLIO-, -PHILE)]
bibulous a.好饮水的;吸水的 [ bibulus freely drinking bibere drink]
bicameral a.两院制的 [camera chamber]
bicker v.n.插嘴;潺潺流;闪烁 [ biker, beker]
bide v.居住;留;等待;忍受 [bidan ~one's time 等待机会]
biennial a.两年一次的 [ biennis(annus year)]
bifurcate a.分为两部分 [medL bifurcare bifurcus two-forked(furca fork)]
bigotry n.顽固 [BIGOT 顽固者,乖僻的人]
bilateral a.两边的;左右对称的
bile n.胆汁;不开心;脾气 [bilis biliary 胆汁的;输送胆汁的]
bilge n.船底;船底的污垢 [prob var of BULGE("袋")鼓起,凸出
bilingual a.能说两种语言的 [ bilinguis(lingua tongue)]
bilious a.患胆病的;坏脾气的 [ biliosus bilis bile]
bilk v.欺骗;挫折;使人失望 [perh = BALK: (17thc) = spoil one's opponent's score]
billingsgate n.下流话
bin n.储藏箱;收入收藏室 [ bin(n), binne]
binary a.二进位的;二元的 [ binarius bini two together]
binge n.狂闹 [prob orig dial, = soak浸泡(在液体中)吸收,浴于(阳光)中]
bionomics n.生态学 [BIO- after ECONOMICS]
biopsy n.活体检查法 [biopsie bios life+opsis sight, after necropsy验尸]
biosphere n.生物圈 [BIO-, SPHERE(."球")球;天体;(活动、知识等)范围,领域]
biped n.两足动物 [ bipes -edis(pes pedis foot)]
bisect v.分为两断;(数)平分 [secare sect- cut]
bison n.北美野牛;欧洲野牛 [同aurochs)]
bit n.片刻;小钱币;十二分半 [~s of glass玻璃碎片a ~ of hope一点希望on the bit使马快奔]
bitch n.母狗;妓女;婊子
bivouac n.v.野营;露营地 [prob. Swiss Beiwacht additional guard at night]
bizarre a.古怪的 [ handsome, brave,Port bizarro Basque bizarrabeard]
blab v.多嘴的人
blackmail n.勒索 [BLACKmail rent, malm l agreement]
blade n.叶;刃;扁平的部份;荡子
blanch v.使变白 [blanchir blanc white, BLANK空白的;空虚的;完全的]
bland a.温柔的;殷勤的 [ blandus soft, smooth]
blandish v.逢迎 [ blandus soft, smooth. blandishment n.奉承,逢迎 Despite his~s, the young lady rejected his] [companionship.]