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  国务院总理李克强当地时间21日下午在瑞士达沃斯出席世界经济论坛2015年年会,并在全会上发表题为《维护和平稳定 推动结构改革增强发展新动能》的特别致辞。致辞全文如下:


  It gives me great pleasure to come to Davos again after five years toattend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015. Davos is a town of peaceand serenity, yet the world outside is not tranquil. We need to work together toshape the world in a new global context. I was told that Davos used to be aresort for recuperation from lung diseases, and the later discovery ofPenicillin changed that. Now it is a place for people to gather and pool theirwisdom for "brain-storm". Personally, I find this more than relevant, becauseour world also needs new forms of "Penicillin" to tackle new challenges thathave emerged.



  Davos is a town of peace and serenity, yet the world outside is nottranquil.




  tackle new challenges


  Admittedly, the world today is by no means trouble-free. Regional hotspots,local conflicts and terrorist attacks continue to flare up, posing immediatethreats to humanity. Global economic recovery lacks speed and momentum. Majoreconomies are performing unevenly. Commodity prices are going through frequentfluctuations. And signs of deflation have made the situation even worse. Infact, many people are quite pessimistic about the future of the world. Theybelieve that the guarantee of peace is weak, and the prospect of development iselusive.



  Global economic recovery lacks speed and momentum.


  And signs of deflation have made the situation even worse.


  the prospect of development is elusive


  A philosopher once observed that we cannot solve problems by using the samekind of thinking we used when we created them. Indeed, old problems can nolonger be solved by clinging to the outdated mindset of confrontation, hatredand isolation. Dialogue, consultation and cooperation must be explored to findsolutions to new problems. It is important that we draw lessons from history,and pool our collective wisdom to maximize the convergence of interests amongcountries. Fortunately, in time of hardship and trial, mankind have always beenable to find the courage to get out of the predicament and move ahead throughchange and innovation.



  A philosopher once observed that we cannot solve problems by using the samekind of thinking we used when we created them.


  It is important that we draw lessons from history, and pool our collectivewisdom to maximize the convergence of interests among countries.


  In a world facing complex international situation, we should all worktogether to uphold peace and stability. This year marks the 70th anniversary ofthe victory of the world's anti-Fascist war. To uphold peace and stabilityserves the interests of all people in the world. The world order establishedafter World War II as well as generally recognized norms governing internationalrelations must be maintained, not overturned. Otherwise, prosperity anddevelopment could be jeopardized. The Cold War and zero-sum mentalities must beabandoned. The "winner takes all" approach will not work. Regional hotspots andgeopolitical conflicts must be resolved peacefully through political means.Terrorism, in all its manifestations, must be opposed. China remains committedto peaceful development and regional stability. And China has no intention tocompete with other countries for supremacy. Peace in the world must be cherishedthe same as we cherish our eyes, so that the achievements and benefits ofcivilization, including reason and justice, will prevail.



  The "winner takes all" approach will not work.


  Peace in the world must be cherished the same as we cherish our eyes, sothat the achievements and benefits of civilization, including reason andjustice, will prevail.


  In a world of diverse civilizations, we should all seek to live in harmony.Cultural diversity, like biodiversity, is a most precious treasure endowed to uson this planet. And human society is like a garden where all human civilizationsblossom. Different cultures and religions need to respect and live in harmonywith each other. While maintaining the natural close ties among those with whomwe see eye to eye, we also need to respect those with whom we disagree. Like thevast ocean admitting all rivers that run into it, members of the internationalcommunity need to work together to expand common ground while acceptingdifferences, and seek win-win progress through inclusive cooperation and mutuallearning.



  Like the vast ocean admitting all rivers that run into it, members of theinternational community need to work together to expand common ground whileaccepting differences, and seek win-win progress through inclusive cooperationand mutual learning.


  In a world facing volatile economic situation, we should all work topromote opening-up and innovation. What has happened since the outbreak of theinternational financial crisis seven years ago proves that to work in unity isthe surest way for countries to get over the difficulties. We are allinterdependent in this world. While we each have the right to adopt economicpolicies in line with national conditions, we need to strengthen macro-policycoordination to expand the convergence of interests and achieve commondevelopment. An European proverb says, "when the wind of change blows, somebuild walls, while others build windmills." We need to act along the trend ofour time, firmly advance free trade, resolutely reject protectionism, andactively expand regional economic cooperation. We need to build global valuechains, and seize the opportunity of a new technological revolution. While theinternational community agree on the importance of macro-policies to theeconomy, they also recognize the urgency to go ahead with structural reform.Structural reform must be carried through no matter how difficult it is, as itis an effective way to foster conditions conducive to global innovation andbring about new momentum for global development.



  work in unity is the surest way for countries to get over thedifficulties.


  An European proverb says, "when the wind of change blows, some build walls,while others build windmills."