The spending spree during Spring Festival pushed up food prices by 4.2percent in January. But non-food products' prices, which comprise abouttwo-thirds of the CPI basket, fell 0.6 percent year-on-year.
在上面的报道中,spending spree 就是指“消费热潮”,spree在这里指一种“狂热行为”,例如:在美国历史上曾出现过 gold-rushspree (淘金热);平时我们所说的“购物狂”,可以用 a buying/shopping spree来表示,也就是我们常说的“扫货”。
此外,spree 还可以用来表示“狂欢、狂饮”。在比赛中,Their team went on a scoring spree and won byten goals to zero. (他们的球队以十比零的悬殊比分大获全胜),It was a gloriousspree(这可是件值得庆贺的大喜事)。因此他们决定go out on a spree(外出狂欢一番)。
为了刺激消费,有时还会发放shopping/consumption voucher(消费券)。Spending spree常会带来spendingboom(消费高涨)。最近经济形势不好,很多地方都在 spending cut(削减开支)。消费要量力而行,不要有大量deficitspending(透支)。
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