托福词汇之“live inject 实况转播”
China's drug safety watchdog wants to make sure a deadly herbalinjectionhas been pulled off store shelves. On Thursday the State Food and DrugAdministration (SFDA) ordered local branches to once again check all companiesand institutions that sold or used ciwujia.
The Dutch government will reinforce the core capital of Dutch banking andinsurance group ING by injecting 10 billion euros (13.4 billion US dollars), theDutch Finance Ministry said Sunday.
还有一些比较喜欢“插嘴”的人,我们可以说他们inject a remark into the conversation。
在工作中,“我们总希望使工作饶有趣味”,We hope to inject new interest into our work,那么我们就要在我们现在的“项目中加入一些新构想”,to inject a few ideas into project。
此外,你有没有遇到过看着看着电视,突然遇到“实况插播”的情况呢,那叫做live inject, 如果你想来点儿小幽默的话,那就inject anote of humor into your life吧。