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  1. something that you have known how to do and want to do it better.
  2. advertising has influced much what people buy.
  3. Reading: students majoring in theater are required to take three trips off campus in city theater. And the toltal fees are $35
      Student: 1)good idea
  2)Watching and hearing the play will help them to understanding the play.
  3)fee is good. ($35 for three plays and students don’t need pay extra trasportation fee)
  4.reading: impact bias.
  People intend to predict a worse result about future before it happens. 来源:http://www.hxen.net
  Listening: professor’s daughter applied to college. She thought if she can not enter that school her life will be ruined. But when she was refused by the college she overcome the sadness because there are other aspects in life and which help her to move on. The rasult is not as bad as she thought.
  5. Problem: the man lock his key of his dormatory in the room and can not turn in the history paper.
      1)expalin to the professor
  2)ask the facility people to open the door.
  6.two ways for land animals live underwater.
  1) slow dowm body funcations.
  2)minimize the time underwater.