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  听力中讲prescribed burning is not dangerous.原因1: timing: minimize damage. 可以在动物都不reproduce的时候烧 这样就没有幼儿. 然后成年动物easy and fast to escape 原因2: 二氧化碳pollution. 说是虽然燃烧的时候会release CO2. 可是很快新的植物又会长出来. 会把原来的CO2很快的吸收. 原因3: 会减少fuel material. less dead woods. decrease number of natural fires.
  prescribed burning is a tool used in forest and wildlife preserves across north america and Australia. in a prescribed burn, fire management workers intentionally set fire to part of a forest and let the fire burn under supervision until it dies out naturally. supporters of prescribed burns claim that the practice of setting regular. controlled fires decreases the likelihood and severity of natural forest fires. however opponents point out that this benefit is not worth the dangers that result from prescribed burning.
  first, prescribed burns pose a threat to wildlife in the forest where the burn is being conducted. birds, deer, and other animal may become trapped in the fire and die. this is especially time if there are nestlings, young birds that are not yet ready to leave their nest, or any type of young mammal. that is too undeveloped to run quickly: such creatures would not be able to escape, even if a mature animal could.
second. as all fires do, prescribed burns release smoke that pollutes the atmosphere smoke from fires contains CO2 and other greenhouse gases that can trap heat in earth's atmosphere, and chemicals in the smoke can contribute to acid rain and other forms of pollution. furthermore, winds may carry the harmful chemicals to areas far away from the actual life. in this way, prescribed burns increase pollution levels.
  third. in many areas where prescribed burns are used. natural fires still break out and cause damage. so after spending the money, time and resources to perform a prescribed burn, firefighters and residents may have to spend additional money, time and resources fighting the natural fires that prescribed burns failed to prevent.
  agree or disagree.
  the way a person dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character . reason and example.