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  1. 古埃及象形文字。先说古埃及象形文字是Arabic的一个分支,然后开始讲这个语言的兴衰!兴是因为当时宗教界都用这门语言,衰是因为后来人们发现这个语言太麻烦,太晦涩难懂,再加上另一个文明的兴起(忘了是希腊还是哪个),使这门语言被彻底边缘化。然后讲现在人们来研究它,讲了一个人的研究成果。
  Development of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing
  A standardized form of hieroglyphs developed rapidly in the earliest years of Egypt’s Early Dynastic Period (2920 bc-2575 bc)). Little change in the system took place during the following 2,600-year period of Egyptian civilization.
  Hieroglyphs were very time consuming to create, so the Egyptians developed a cursive script called hieratic in the early years of hieroglyphic use. The characters of the hieratic script were based on the hieroglyphic symbols, but they were simplified and little resembled their hieroglyphic origins. Hieratic was used for the bulk of writing done with reed pens and ink on papyrus. In the 7th century bc the Egyptians began using a script called demotic, which was even more simplified than hieratic. After this point hieroglyphs continued to be used in carved inscriptions on buildings, jewelry, and furniture, but hieratic was used for religious writings, and demotic for business and literary texts
  A major change in hieroglyphs took place under the Ptolemaic Dynasty (305-30 bc), when Egypt was ruled by a Greek dynasty. During this time the Egyptians created many new glyphs. Priests were especially interested in writing religious texts in more mysterious and complex manners. The priests often used new glyphs to form specialized codes and puns understood only by a group of religious initiates. After the Romans conquered Egypt in 30 bc, the use of hieroglyphs declined, and eventually their use died out. The last firmly datable hieroglyphic inscription was written in ad 394.
  After the fall of ancient Egyptian civilization in 30 bc, the meaning of hieroglyphs remained a mystery for about 1,800 years. Then, during the French occupation of Egypt from 1798 to 1801, a group of French soldiers and engineers uncovered a large stone now known as the Rosetta Stone. This stone bore an ancient inscription containing the same text written three different ways—in hieroglyphs, in the demotic script, and in ancient Greek. The stone was taken to Europe, where scholars translated the ancient Greek and used the information to decipher the other two texts.
  French Egyptologist Jean François Champollion was the first modern person who was able to read hieroglyphs. It had been noted that certain groups of hieroglyphs on the Rosetta Stone were surrounded by a carved oblong loop. The loop, called a cartouche, separated the names of kings and queens from large bodies of text. Champollion knew enough of hieroglyphs to confirm that the cartouches on the Rosetta Stone contained the name of one of the Greek rulers of Egypt, Ptolemy V. As Champollion examined more cartouches, he observed that some of the glyphs matched between Ptolemy’s cartouche and the other cartouches. Champollion determined that certain glyphs in the cartouches phonetically spelled out the names of certain Greek rulers of Egypt. Using this knowledge and an ingenious reading of ideograms in other cartouches, he deciphered the names of the native rulers Ramses and Thutmose.
  Champollion’s discovery showed him definitively that there were two categories of glyphs, phonograms and ideograms. Champollion then began to use this information to decipher the large body of Egyptian hieroglyphs on objects that had been taken to Europe. In 1828 he led a group of artists and architects to Egypt with the goal of drawing pictures of tombs, temples, and monuments and copying down as many hieroglyphic inscriptions as possible. He later translated the hieroglyphs from the drawings. The work of deciphering the hieroglyphs went on after Champollion’s death and continues up to the present day, continually providing new information about life in ancient Egypt.
  2. 日本人种水稻。先说日本人的水稻本来就种一季,后来人口增加了,而且灌溉水准有所提升(水轮技术;把雨季的水存起来旱季用的技术;还有什么水被太阳晒过之后温度较高,用它灌溉可以催熟水稻),导致可耕种面积增加,所以后来日本人开始一年种两季。后来又讲到很多富人家都有自留地,但是他们不是毫无节制地增加自己的土地面积,而是只要够养活一家老小就不再扩张了。
  3. 跳槽论。讲美国人天天各种跳槽,一般2个原因:一个是在大城市中心的employer容易跳槽,因为很多公司都在那,他们跳槽连家都不用搬。第二个原因忘了。然后和欧洲比,为什么德国,日本跳槽的少?因为他们的房子供不应求,离新东家附近的房子都找不到,更不用提跳槽。然后又分析高跳槽率的优缺点。优点是市场更加灵活,人们易于找到最适合自己的工作。缺点是跳槽率高,公司都懒得深层次地培训员工,因为培训了也是为他人做嫁衣,所以劳动力水准比较低
  4. 19世纪的女人在艺术界被各种排斥,学校不收,更谈不上展出艺术作品。后来英国率先开始兴办女人艺术学校,培养女艺术家。然后法国接过英国的接力棒,成为世界第一艺术殿堂,女人们可以和男人一样上学,展出自己的作品。然后举了几个例子说那些人是这个时期培养出来的著名女艺术家。
词汇题:foster;profile = view from side;impetus = motivation。
