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  Task1. If one of your friends wants to run a restaurant, what is your opinion or advice on food and location?
  Sample response
  If my friend were opening a restaurant, I would suggest two things to him: First, I would advise him to consider how important it is that he offers customers clean and healthy food. If a customer finds a cockroach in his meal, the place is done for. Not only will no one come back, but the health department will also shut the business down. In addition, I would suggest that he offer a wide variety of food, such as Chinese, Japanese and Italian food all together. An international buffet is always popular. Furthermore, the location is very important. Somewhere with a lot of foot traffic would bring in more business. Maybe he should try to open his restaurant in or near a busy shopping mall.
  Task 2. Do you agree that students nowadays work harder in study than before?
  Sample response
  I agree that students nowadays study harder. Recently, and increase in competition in school examinations has made it so that students have to study harder. Also, students nowadays receive more information and better training and as a result, they have become more competitive, and want to be successful as early as possible. Everybody wants to work in the top companies and wants to get good grades. For example in previous years, some good universities did not require applying students to submit SAT scores, but nowadays most of them require it. Students work harder now because they participate in so many extra-curricular activities. Finally, textbooks and exams are much harder because of these tests.
  Task 3.
  Reading: 一个letter,有同学建议把swimming等课程require all student要修的课。Conversation:有同学不同意。
  理由一:来其实有些同学已经有方法exercise了,比如啊,他们ride bicycle的也是take exercise啊。
  理由二:来这样同学们失掉选择自己兴趣的机会了,如果要求他们都要修的话,很多人会选一些他们已经good at的课啊,没什么意义。
  Task 4.
  Reading:谈到peak-end **现象,在一段经历中,人们倾向于记住那些peak部分的,和end部分的。lecture professor举自己的例子,一次他参加一个trip,头几天一直下雨,他一直stay inside,没什么新意的,后来天气好了,他们就出海了,海上还看到whale了,觉得特别兴奋。然后trip的最后有个party,他在party里meet了一个跟他有很多兴趣的人,感觉很不错。后来别人问他这次trip的感受,他直觉回答很好,因为整体的印象就记得看whale和遇到知己了。
  Task 5.
  困难:这个同学要完成一个painting,马上就due date了啊,可是一种particular 的color run out了。
  解决方案1:solution他可以order online。不过shipping要5天啊。
  解决方案2:solution 他可以去一个store取,不过路很远很麻烦还要花很多时间啊,他现在很多事情的做。
  Task 6.
  主题:说animal 会seasonal molting去适应环境改变。
  第一:可以适应weather的改变,比如一种mounting hare到夏天就shed,冬天就coat很厚的毛可以保暖。
  第二:可以用来防止predator,比如夏天是brown 跟周围环境一样,冬天是white的,跟雪一样,这样predator就不容易发现它们。