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  主题IV:物体An Object
  (一) Describean object
  1.Describe an important machine/ means oftransport/ a work of art and explain why you think it is important in yourlife.
  Important machine:
  1. Make possiblerapid access of large amounts of information within several seconds, save melots of time and energy
  Ex:writing essay, save the time to go to library and bookstore
  2.Entertain me, watching movies, listening to the music, playing games online,make my life more colorful
  Means of transportation
  1. It won’tbe influenced by the weather: not like other transportations, say the plane,the bus, would be largely influenced by weather.
  Ex: theplane was delayed by a large storm during my trip to Beijing, wait for several hours
  2. cheapand fast, shanghai advanced subway system, take me to almost every corner ofthe city
  A work of art
  1. Habit,stamps have their own meanings, like the stamps for the 2008 Olympic Games, itwould be of great value to me, it is a pride for Chinese people,
  2. Makemany friends who also like to collect stamps; exchange stamps, appreciate eachother’s collection
  2.Describe the best/worst invention in the20th century and explain how it affects your life.
  3. Describe an important invention beforecomputer/a normal commodity in your family and explain its advantages anddisadvantages.
  1. Keep people informed the latest information without going outof home
  Ex: the latest scientific discovery from the program of discovery
  2. Entertain people, movies, basketball games, football games
  Ex: F1 fans, watch the match at home
  1: Make people more isolated from the outside world
  2: some unhealthy programs would be harmful to children, say theviolent movies
  4.Describe an important gift/letter/photographand explain why it is special to you.
  Souvenirof friendship,
  Show anAmerican friend around China
  1. Beijing, capital of China, historical places, like the TianAn Men Square, the great wall, the summer place, historical background
  2. Shanghai, the OrientalPearlTower,
  Send me awatch, write me a letter, take a photograph together as a good memory of thehappy time
  5.Describe something expensive you want to buy and explain why you want to buyit.
  1. Makemy life more convenient; drive to work, save a lot of time, far away from home
  2. Takemy friends and family to other cities for a travel, as a way of relaxation andentertainment enhance the relationship
  1. 你认为对你最有用的书?并解释原因。(2005/11/19)
  Well, to me, the most useful book is the encyclopedia.
  The reasons why I think it is the mostuseful book is as follows:
  Firstly, it covers knowledge almost inevery field in the world. For example, if I want to know American history, Ican turn to the history chapter. Or if I want to know living habits like tiger,I can also find answers in this book.
  The second reason is that it saves me a lotof time when I have something confused. Instead of going to the library orbookstore, an encyclopedia can almost give me any answer I want.
  Well, to me, I would prefer the magazine.
  The reason is as follows:
  First of all, it can keep me informed ofthe latest information in the world. For example, a fashion magazine can tellthe most popular clothes in the summer. A car magazine will inform me of thelatest cars manufactured by the companies all around the world.
  The second reason is that it can be a kindof entertainment for me. Usually, I will bring one or two magazines with me tothe park, enjoying the sunshine and the latest information.
  3. 描述一本你认为有趣的书?(2006/3/25)(2006/12/8/15)
  Well, to me, the most interesting book isencyclopedia.
  (2) 为什么?
  The reasons why I think it is interestingare as follows:
  First of all, it contains a wide ranger ofknowledge covering almost every field. For example, if I want to know aboutAmerican history, I can turn to the history chapter for help. Or if I want tofind some information about the tiger, an encyclopedia can also give me theanswer.
  The second reason is that it is a book thatcan save people lots of time. Whenever I have problems, I will turn to the bookfor help instead of going to the library or bookstore.
  3. 你的国家最有效的交通most efficient transportation? (2006/4/8)
  (1) 是什么?
  Well, to me, the most efficienttransportation in my country is subway.
  (2) 为什么?
  The reasons are as follows:
  First of all, it is a transportation thatcannot be effected by the bad weather or other factors that may influence theoperation of the transportation.
  The second reason that it is fast andconvenient. For example, I live in shanghai, where has an advanced system ofsubway, and I can reach almost every district of the city by subway.
  4. 近100年最重要的invention之一?(2006/4/28)
  Well, to me, one of the most importantinventions in the recent century is computer technology.
  The reasons are as follows:
  First of all, it helps people to do thingsmore efficient. It releases people from repetitive computing work by just runninga computing program. In that way, people have more time to do other things.
  The second reason is that it can provideentertainment for people. With the computer, people can watch movie, playgames, or even shopping.
  It is really an amazing invention of therecent century.
  5. A job or career you want to pursue? (2006/7/29)
  Well,to me, I want to be a teacher in the future.
  The reasons are as follows:
  First of all, I think it’s a noble careerthat it carries the responsibility of educating the next generation, whichwould be the pillar of the country.
  The second reason is that I want to learnfrom my mother to be a good teacher. My mother is hard working that has beenrespected by thousands of students. I want to be such a good teacher too.
  6. 你最喜欢家里的什么?(2006/10/8)
  Well, to me, I like the garden behind myhouse.
  The reasons are as follows:
  First of all, I have lots of flowersplanted in the garden. It is really beautiful especially in spring and summer. Ireally enjoy the great view of the garden.
  The second reason is that it is also myexercise place. Every morning, I doing boxing at the garden and enjoy the freshair. What a pleasure moment!
  7. 人生有很多目标(object),请你描述其中之一?(2006/10/15)
  Well, to me, one of my objects is to studyoverseas.
  The reasons are as follows:
  First of all, I want to experiencedifferent cultures. By studying abroad, I can really learn the culture of thatculture, which would make me more tolerant of foreign cultures.
  The second reason is that I want to learnthe advanced knowledge from other countries. Some subjects in China arenot as advanced as those of other cultures.
  8. 你喜欢film of comedy, drama…? (2006/11/3)
  Well, to me, I prefer to film of comedy.
  The reasons are as follows:
  First of all, watching film to me is a kindof relaxation. After a day of hard work and study, a film of comedy would amuseme, making me more relaxed.
  The second reason is that it would be agreat time to share with friends with film of comedy. Just imagine, you arewatching film of comedy with good friends. You laugh together and share thehappiness. What a wonderful time!