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托福口语范文 人生的哪个时期最幸福


  2014年6月29日的托福口语考试中有一道题目是“Which of the following periods in life do youthink is the hardest, being a kid, a teenager or anadult.下列哪个时期生活中你认为最困难的,孩子,青少年或成人。"针对这样一道托福口语题目考生该如何作答?看看新东方老师为您提供的托福口语模版及范文吧!

  托福口语题目:Which of the following periods in life do you think is the hardest,being a kid, a teenager or an adult.

  托福口语范文:I think being a teenager is the hardest for the following reasons.First, it’s hard being a high school student. What we learn in high school ishard! We are studying so many different subjects all at the same time. There areendless assignments and tests to worry about. If I don’t get them right, I can’tface my teachers and parents. Second, there’s too much peer pressure being ateenager. People compare with each other about the clothes we wear, the shoes weput on and the grades we get. Teenagers have to try so hard to fit in to avoidbeing alienated at school.