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托福口语真题及参考答案Together or Alone



  Q1 Some people prefer a job with a lot of communication. Othersprefer a job without a lot of communication. Which do you prefer and why? Usespecific details and examples in your response.

  Sample Answer

  I prefer a job without a lot of communication. Firstly, I wouldn’t have towaste energy managing work relationships. It’s tiring keeping people happy justso your work can go smoothly. Working alone, I can just focus my energy on mywork, instead of thinking about how to shoot down people’s ideas politely, avoidconflicts, give people face, and other similar issues. Secondly, I wouldn’t haveto make compromises in my work. When communicating with others, I’d probablyhave to compromise on things to get things done. That means it’d be hard torealize my own vision. But if the only person I have to answer to is my boss,then I have a lot more freedom to be creative.

  对于这个问题大家是不是一般都会选择jobs with lots ofcommunication?小编倒不是真的更喜欢这样的工作,而是觉得它们更好说,理由信手拈来~


  opportunities to form friendships

  learn from others

  develop social skills

  make professional contacts

  Some individuals might also enjoy being around others more than beingalone.... ...

  可是万一你是一个真心喜欢自己工作的人呢?有些人天生擅长社交,有些人却怎么学也始终不自然。对于他们来说,独自工作时可能可以更加专注,效率更高。尽管选择“workalone”可能更难回答,但正如Richard说: Although this type of response can be harder tosupport, there’s nothing wrong with taking this route. One approach is to talkabout all the problems you’ll avoid when you don’t have to communicate withothers.” 策略之一是,我们可以在回答中谈谈独自工作能够避免的那些在交流过程中可能会出现的问题。


  Don't have to waste energy managing work relationships -> Just focus myenergy on my work-> more efficient

  Don't have to make compromises in my work->realize my own vision->more freedom to be creative

  不知大家有没有留意Sample Answer的架构。Richard给出了两个main reason,分别是Don't have to wasteenergy managing relationship和Don't have to makecompromise。而在每个理由中,他都采用正面论证和反面论证来作支撑。由于Sample Answer支持work without lots ofcommunication,而主要讨论的是交流过程中可能出现的问题,因而更多的是反面论证,正面论证为辅助。正反面论证结合,一是降低了思考难度(两个方面各想一个例子/原因比一个方面想两个例子/原因或许要简单些吧~),二是使答案更有层次,还能体现思维的全面性,但同时可能也增加了表达难度。大家可以尝试模仿一下看看效果如何,再决定考场上要不要采用这种结构。

  Q2 Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves.Others prefer to depend on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Usespecific details and examples in your response.

  Sample Answer

  I prefer to depend on other people’s help. Firstly, other people can giveyou different perspectives on a problem. For example, when I was fixing mycomputer, I was sure I had a hard drive problem. But I asked a friend to look atit, and she figured out it was actually my power supply causing issues. Gettinghelp saved me lots of time and money. Secondly, it’s a way to bond. My dad and Iused to play with LEGOs, which are little blocks you use to build things. Somesets were really complicated. But the harder the challenge, the more fun we hadovercoming it together. Those are some of the fondest memories I have of myfather.


  Sample Answer以other people can give you different perspectives和it’s a wayto bond为理由支持depend on other people'shelp。每个理由均跟随了一个生活中的例子作为支撑。需要留意的是对于经历的描述与表达,一些生活用词,例如hard drive(电脑硬盘)、powersupply(电源)、LEGO(乐高)、block(指的是乐高中的小积木)、set(指的是乐高的一套整体产品)等可以做下积累哈~

  想选择solve a challenge all by themselves可以参考以下理由:

  1、help you learn and grow more as aperson(生活有时很残酷,总会遇到没有人可以帮助你的情况。或许我们在平时就该学会怎么独自处理问题,这样我们在无人帮助的情况下不至于手忙脚乱。)

  2、a bad partner can make a challenge even harder to solve (猪队友... ...你懂的......)


  shoot down 否决

  give sb. face 给面子,没错就是直译

  realize one's vision 实现愿景

  hard drive 硬盘

  power supply 电源
