“举例子”并不真正需要背很多实际的例子,比如Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs等等。一是范围庞大,浪费时间,二是容易因为内容解释不清或者有偏差而外增加被扣分的原因。只要找到一个常用的对象去旅行“例子的内容即可。
Some people have one career throughout their lives. Other people do different kinds of work at different points in their lives. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
Sample Answer:
I think having one career throughout one’s life is way better than doing different jobs at different points in his life.(点题)
because he has a chance to be the expert in his field and be respected.(理由)
For example, my father changed his job every 2 to 3 years, but he only got to do all the entry-level tasks, and hardly mastered any key skills, so he kept getting replaced.(举例,对比正方+数据)
By contrast, my mother has been a dentist for 30 years and nobody can ever replace her. (举例,对比反方+数据)