Why does the student go to see the professor?What is the man's problem?
Why is the woman concerned?
What is the purpose of the conversation?
What is the purpose of the talk? 'i What is the main purpose of the lecture'l What is thespeaker's main purpose?
Why does the student say _?
Why does the professor mention -?
Why does the instructor talk about . ? Why does the speaker tell a story about -? Whydoes the professor ask the class about _
Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. (You hear part oftbe lectureagain.)
Why does the professor say this.
To ask for advice
To answer a question
To compare two or more things To complain about something To define a term
To describe a process
To emphasize importance
To explain causes and effects
To give examples :
To give reasons
To introduce a new concept
To recommend a course of action
“l need advice about my paper."
“I'm concerned about my grade for this class."
“I'm applying to graduate school,and l was wondering if you'd write me a letter ofrecommendation.”