托福听力题型中的重听题大致可分为:1.推断类,问法一般是:what does the professor mean when he saysthis-2.态度类,一般的问法是:why does the professor saythis-意在考察考生能否理解说话人说话人说这句话的原因,目的和态度,能否明白字面以外的意思。
(语音)Student: Yeah, I never know how much to include. You know…where to drawthe line-
Professor: Tell me about it!
What does the professor mean when she says this-
A. She understands the student's problem.
B. She wants the student to explain his comment.
C. She did not hear what the student said.
D. She does not accept the student's excuse.
解释:看这道重听的问法是属于推断题,英语里tell me aboutit是一种很常见的口语表达,表示赞同的意思,并不是字面上的"跟我讲讲"的意思。所以说考生如果熟悉这个英语的固定表达方式的话就可以很轻松的做对这道题目。答案选A
(语音)Student: I know people make utensils out of wood, but utensils out oftree bark-
why does the student say this -
A. To share what he knows about birch wood
B. To point out a misprint in the textbook
C. To bring up a point from a previous lecture
D. To request more explanation from the professor解释:我们能够听出来学生对"utensils"这个概念提出了自己的理解,然后再引出了疑问,很明显他在请求professor的解释。另外B和C是无关选项我们可以排除。然后A选项,学生这句话是围绕着"utensils"来展开的并不是wood,所以也可以排除。答案选D
(语音)Student: Oh, I see. At first I wasn't sure what growing season meant,just from the reading. But now I get it. It's the amount of time it takes forthem to grow, right- So it would be five months-
Professor: Umm- Oh, uh… I'm sorry but no. It has nothing to do withthat.
Why does the professor say this -
A. To inform the student that his definition is incorrect
B. To suggest that the student did not do the reading
C. To encourage the student to try again
D. To change the topic of discussion
解释:请注意professor 的语气"Umm-Oh…I'm sorry but no."虽然问题的考点是后面那句话"It has nothingto do withthat"但是如果你听出了professor的语气的话,你甚至可以在还没有听到后面那句陈述句的时候就能够从她前面的语气中明白她对之前学生讲的这番话的态度了。很显然她是在纠正学生的错误,所以答案选a
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