简单来说,说话者为了阐明自己的观点所列举的人、事、物都可以称之为例子。比如,我们题目中提到的Soup Shop(TPO11,Lecture4), Professor为了说明在广告中广告词的重要性,给我们举了一个反例,说一个Soup Shop为了让更多人进店喝汤,就决定客人每买一碗汤就送一双袜子,那么可想而知顾客是越来越少的,为什么呢,人们很容易将二者联系在一起,袜子味儿的汤可太重口了,因此说明了message在advertising中的重要性。
例子对应的英文单词大家都会:example,没错,听到example我们就自然而然知道在说例子了,那么类似的单词还有:for instance,such as, like, take…as an example(或者简单说成:take sth.),have you heard of…
然而,这么明目张胆的例子可并不常见,想想我们对例子的定义,说话者为了阐明自己的观点所列举的人、事、物,那么,所有带有目的性、突然提及的人、事、物是不是都可以称之为例子呢?Yes! 例如:
2??professor讲动物的displacement activity,学生突然提到关于动物睡觉的实验(举例说明动物的这种“替换活动”)
接下来我们趁热打铁,给大家看看 “热栗子”都是如何“烤”的:
Eg.1 OG2 Lecture4
Professor:But the shift in the statue'smeaning started soon after it was built. Back in 1883, Emma Lazarus wrote thatfamous poem—you know, the one that goes: "Give me your tired, your poor… andso on and so forth. That poem describes the Statue of Liberty as a beacon ofwelcome for the entire world.
Why does the professordiscuss the poem by Emma Lazarus?
To emphasize the close relationship betweenliterature and sculpture
To illustrate how the meaning associated with amonument can change
To stress the importance of the friendshipbetween France and the United States
To point out a difference between Mount Rushmoreand the State of Liberty
Eg.2 TPO39Lecture2
Professor: Is creativity encouraged? Well, lots of Montessori teacherswouldn’t praise a child for using a violin as a baseball bat or for puttingtheir head like a hat. Butactually, creativity comes through learning to play the violin, using theobject for the purpose.
Why does the professormention the violin?
A.To demonstrate the type of creativity theMontessori method encourages
B.To stress the importance of music education atan early age
C.To give an example of how advanced Montessorilessons can be
D.To show that Montessori teachers expectmaterials to be used for their intended purpose
看到这里,同学们是否已经对例子题有所感觉了呢?当我们能从听力原文中分辨出例子考点的同时,针对例子题的考查方式也要熟捻于心,通过上面这三个例子就不难看出,最普遍的问法就是:why does the professor mention…(例子)?
目前为止,解决例子题就万事俱备只欠东风了,东风就是例子本身的目的,也就是说,我们举这个例子是什么目的呢?那么目的也就是why does theprofessor mention…的答案。其实纵观TPO1-49,以及结合我们自己的说话语序,都可以总结出通常例子的前一句话是重点。当然,也有文章在例子前后都会提及目的,显然,第二遍是起到了补充、强调的作用,我们就更应该听得出来了。