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nomers? If people want to discover the mars, other stars, or quasars, then who can be the first to experience the voyage in person?

Considering the spatiotemporal limitations, the current technology makes it impossible for the public to learn a large volume of knowledge from experience. But this is not meant to indicate that learning from experience is less important. Quite on the contrary, learning from experience is essential under most circumstances and is rather efficient and effective.

Some fundamental human skills must be learnt from experience whereas the knowledge from books is only auxiliary. No one learns playing tennis merely from reading tennis books. Swimming is another telling case. Even one has read a colossal volume of books concerning swimming, never can he or she master the arts of swimming until he or she has exercised thousands of times. Neither can one learn a foreign language well without direct experience of using the language. Dictionary can tell the meaning of each word, but only the real experience makes it possible for one to understand the language. The examples are countless.

Therefore, both learning from the book and learning from the experiences are critical in pushing the boundaries of human understanding. Under certain conditions, it makes a sense to say that one way is better or more important than the other. Nevertheless without defining the exact case, by no means can one conclude whether learning from books is more vital than learning from experience.