以Economically, public transportation should be paid bypassengers这段首句展开为例,如果采用理论依据,那么会变成学生作文中的这个段落:Economically, public transportationshould be paid by passengersbecause the cost of the transport is high. If thepassengers use it for free,then the transportation department may fail to earnmoney even will lower thesalary of its staff to cut down the cost. This willfinally affect the workingenthusiasm. On the contrary, if users pay the fee,they will receive better serviceor new buses.从这个段落中我们不难发现,虽然该学生的确是围绕公交费用及乘客等关键词,而且第一句话也定位到经济的角度,但是因为一直采用理由解释,无意识下该学生已经将自己的段落写到了如果缩减成本甚至是影响司机的工作热情等事情,而这些与段落原本要针对的经济角度又不那么相关了。
但是,若考生采用的是事实论据或是具体例子的话,这个段落可以展开得很好,如下参考:Subway, for example, is a key formof public transportation. If ridersuse the subway without paying, there would beno way to earn revenue to payback the construction companies that built thesubway line. In addition, duringoperation, money is required to maintain thecleanliness of the subway as wellas pay security personnel and other key staffsuch as subway conductors andmaintenance.
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