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托福写作备考:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


  Good parents set a good example for a child to abide by, whereas badparents usually do not have well-behaving children. Isn't it said, "Like father,like son"? Parents are the first people a child learns to respect, because theyare his guardians, his elders tied by blood. Being a good parent doesn'tnecessarily mean that he or she must be knowledgable, or must be able to speakbig, wise words that may be difficult to understand. If a parent can teach thechild how to behave by behaving himself, he is a good parent even if he isilliterate, or is poor. Thus, a child's character is usually shaped and moldedbefore he attends school under the influence of his parents, and that is morethan a good teacher can do to the child with the bearings of knowledge.

  Good parents are essential to a child's development in that they are thefirst ever to teach him and that what they deliver is more about life and spiritthan knowledge. What they can do is more than what a good teacher can. Itsuffices to say that good parents are the most important people to a child'sdevelopment, and not good teachers.
