Besides, what students learned in basic science courses will exert positiveinfluence on their future careers. These valuable assets they can amass inscience courses are logical thinking, analytical skills, the spirit to questionauthority and the emphasis on experiments. In fact, these qualities are anessential guarantee of high working efficiency, whatever the work is. Look atthis counter example. If one has never been exposed to any science courses, hemust lack the awareness of doing experiments. Thus, in the work, he is likely toput any idea he thinks of into practice without testing its feasibility, whichwill obviously bring harms to his work. (107 words)
Admittedly, the statement that all students should be required to studybasic science courses appears arbitrary and unilateral, because it is notappropriate to make basic science courses mandatory for some liberal-artsstudents who even have difficulties in their own majors. However, in light ofthe significance of scientific literacy, school authorities can add a propernumber of basic science courses into the teaching schedule and make themoptional for those weak in study. (74)
In conclusion, basic science courses are the foundation of anyone who wantsto survive in this highly competitive modern world. If you do not want to regretin the future, seize the present and participate in some basic science coursesin university because you never know something you have learnt in the coursewill be a great helper to your future career. (62 words)
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