Nowadays, students do many things like surfing the internet, listening tomusic when they are learning. Do you agree or disagree that doing other thingsimpose bad effect on learning?
While I prefer to put away my cellphone when doing homework, I can seehow some students could benefit from having a cellphone around. I think it isfine for students to use cellphones while studying as long as they can stayfocused.
One reason is that many students are accustomed to studying with music.They find that certain types of music puts them into a “study mode,” and thatmusic can make the monotony of studying more bearable. My friend, for example,has a hard time sitting in one place unless she plays classical music. Normallyshe is very high-energy and distractible, but while listening to classicalmusic, she calms down and becomes highly focused. For students like her, acellphone is a highly useful study aid. It allows her to bring her music withher anywhere, so she is not limited to just studying in her room where herstereo is.
Another reason is that students sometimes need to use the internet to doresearch or check assignments, but it is not always possible or desirable forthem to carry a laptop around. In these situations, a cellphone is a goodsubstitute. I remember one time when I had to complete a history assignmentwhile on a family vacation. There wasn’t access to the internet where we weregoing, so my laptop would have been useless for research. Instead, I used mycellphone’s 3G connection to do research and wrote the assignment by hand. Thevacation was much more relaxing because I didn’t have to lug my heavy laptop andcharger around, and I still finished the assignment on time.
Some will point out that cellphones can potentially distract students fromtheir work. This is true, but in my experience they are far less distractingthan laptops, which students use quite frequently for schoolwork. Cellphoneshave much smaller screens and generally take more effort to use, so students areless likely to waste time on them reading blogs or playing games. It simplyisn’t as satisfying to procrastinate on a cellphone—laptops are much better forthat. Plus, if you’re writing a paper on your laptop, your web browser is just acouple of clicks away. If you’re writing by hand with a cellphone next to you,it’s a bit less easy to put down your pencil, pick up your phone, unlock it, andopen a browser.
While I don’t personally use cellphones while studying unless absolutelynecessary, I think that they can be helpful for a lot of students. It’s truethat cellphones can be distracting, but they’re less damaging to productivitythan laptops, so I think it’s hard to argue that students shouldn’t usethem.