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  iBT在开始着手准备写文章的时候,一定要明确自己的主题。一般来说考生有30分钟的时间去计划,写作以及修改文章。在着手下笔以前一定要仔细阅读题目, 切记不要写跑题。审题的时候一定要定位,概括和分类。不然将功亏一篑。例如:It has been announced that a new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer.当遇到这个题目的时候,先确定是support还是oppose还是二者兼顾。那么接下来的论证就是要围绕你的这个观点来展开,千万不要南辕北辙。明确自己的观点, 可以先列提纲,实际上列提纲是写作的一个非常重要的步骤,它可以把握文章的整体思路,让你在写的时候可以有话可说,条理清晰。


  雅思作文要求考生针对某个问题阐明自己的观点, 所以考生要掌握一定观点表达结构.很多题目在要求考生表达自己观点的同时, 还要评价别人的观点, 所以还要掌握如何表明他人观点的技巧. 当我们在阅读一篇文章时发现这样的话: I would argue that teenage drivers are much more unsafe than adult drivers. 我们知道 I would argue that 后面表述的

  就是作者论点. 类似这样表达还有:

  I believe that…

  It seems to me that…

  I tend to think that…

  请看这句话: People argue that teenage drivers should have as much freedom as adult drivers do. 前面的people arge that 表明的是其他人的论点.


  Some people think/say that…

  It is understood that…

  It is generally accepted that…






  雅思task2部分是作者对某个问题或某件事情进行分析, 评论,表明自己得观点, 立场, 态度, 看法和主张得一种文体. 议论文有三要素, 即论点, 论据和论证.论点得基本要求是观点明确. 认真概括; 论据基本要求是充分典型; 论证得基本要求是推理必须符合逻辑.

  在着手准备雅思和iBT写作的时候, 也是有相同之处的, 可以归纳为以下几点:

  1. 如何表达让步或保留

  考生除了要学会表达并支持自己的论点外, 还要承认他人论点在一定情况下的合理性, 这样写出来的作文说服力更强. 常用的表达有:

  Though, although, even if , even though, still nevertheless, in spite of, even so, after all, of course

  People argue that teenage drivers should have as much freedom as adult drivers do. Admittedly, freedom given to young people today make them more respomsible and creative human beings in learning and many other ways of life. But I would argue that teenage drivers are much more unsafe than adult drivers.


  Those against the usse of animal testing claim that it is inhunane to use animals in experiments. I disagree completely. It would be much more injumane to test new drugs on children or adults. Even if it were possible, it would also take much longer to see potential effedts, because of the length of time we live compared to lavoratory animals such as rats or rabbits.

  在这个例子中, 作者明确反对禁止使用动物进行药物实验, 里面使用的even if it were possible后的也是一种让步的用法和上面例子不同的是, 作者在让步后马上证明如果此情况发生, 后果比使用动物做试验更为严重, 从而支持自己观点的合理性.

  I agree that we need to make sure that animals who are used for testing new products have the minimus of suffering. However, I am convinced that animal testing is nevessary, and that it will continue to venefit humans in new and wonderful ways.

  这段话也是承认对立观点的部分合理性, 即要使被试验的动物收到的痛苦减到最小程度, 然后用however进一步强调自己观点.


  很多作文题目要求考生比较两种对立观点, 所以如何反对错误观点成为考生必须掌握的基本写作技巧. 写作中还需要对原观点进行一定程度的改写, 如果照抄则会被阅卷考官扣分.


  Furthermore, in adiition, moreover, what is more 等都是作文中作者使用递进加强自己论点常使用的标志词汇. 观察下面段落中使用递进加强观点的句子和方式.

  Most students who do not complete shcool do so because of family problem. Girls, especially, want to get married and start a family. Some parents are not interested in education and do not support their children in studying. Social problems are also a contributing factor. Education is compulsory but, despite this, some people do not take it seriously.Furthermore, jobs are available even if studengs do not have a good education.
