话题1:2008. 9. 13和2007. 7. 14重复考到的话题为:
People spend their free time in different ways. Some people read; some people do sports. Describe how you spend your free time. Please include details and examples to support your response.
Intro: introverted
1. reading
2. watch movies
3. do yoga
Transitional words: in addition
结语:own time
Sample answer:
开篇点名自己是内向的人+关键词一:I’m an introverted person, so I spend most of my free time reading. I like novels, especially the classics like Jane Eyre. The stories in this novel are so fascinating that I can spend a whole afternoon reading. Apart from the plots, I can learn the language the author uses to depict the characters. I think it is good for my writing.
关键词二:In addition, I would like to spend some time watching movies on my computer. Though many people think that it is more exciting to watch movies in a theater, I think I can enjoy more freedom at home. I can laugh or cry without worrying about disturbing others.
关键词三:When I feel tired, I may do an hour yoga. I can stretch my body and have a wonderful feeling of peace.
结语:I like spending my free time in this way and enjoy my own time.
话题2:2008. 5. 31和2006. 9. 15重复考到的话题为:
Choose one of your favorite methods to relax and explain why it is your favorite. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
如果我们遇到话题2,可能展开话题的思路就需要稍微调整一下了。因为题目中强调的是one of your favorite methods,也就是你最喜欢的一种放松方式。这样的话题需要我们从一个点切入,然后通过细节和例子来阐述为什么特别钟爱这样的一种休闲娱乐方式。可能大家会觉得第二个话题会比第一个相对难展开一些。其实,只要我们尽量在15秒的准备时间内,多挖掘细节,还是可以很好地把这个话题处理好的。下面教研君就以话题2为例,用1分钟时间完成话题阐述。
Intro: travelling
1. quieter place
2. get close to nature
3. seafood
Transitional words: however
结语:go to Qingdao again
Sample answer:
说明众多的休闲活动中,最爱旅游I like reading, watching movies, and travelling. However, recently I especially like travelling when I have time.
关键词一:Since I live in Shanghai, a bustling metropolis, I would like to go to some quieter place to put aside the pressures from life and work for a while. I went to Qingdao and spent a few days at the seaside during the Dragon Boat Festival.
关键词二:The weather at the seaside was great — bright and breezy. In the daytime, we walked on the beach and enjoyed the cool summer breeze. It felt good to get close to nature and listen to the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. I felt totally relaxed.
关键词三:In the evening, we went to a famous seafood restaurant. There were many types of seafood, in a mouth-watering variety of shapes, textures and tastes.
结语:If I have an opportunity to go to Qingdao again, I will stay there for a few more days.
1. Describe your favorite type of movie and explain why. Include details and examples to support your response.(2008.10.26=2007.2.3)
2. Where do you often go to play outdoor sports on sunny days? Describe this place and explain why this place is important to you.(2009.11.1=2007.8.17)