The world's first hamburger doesn't come from where you think it comesfrom. It wasn't invented in the United States, and it didn't originate inGermany. No, the world's first hamburger comes from China.
If you're scratching your head right now, you're not alone. But Chinesehamburgers are very real and they definitely predate the hamburgers we call ourown in the U.S. Known as rou jia mo, which translates to "meat burger" or "meatsandwich," they consist of chopped meat inside a pita-like bun, and they've beenaround since the Qin dynasty, from about 221 BC to 207 BC. Despite thedifferences between this Chinese street food and our American-style burgers, therou jia mo "has been called the world's first hamburger."
如果你现在正在抓耳挠腮,你不是一个人。但是中国汉堡包真的存在,而且早于我们美国本土的“汉堡包”,在中国称为“肉夹馍”( meatburger,meatsandwich),它们是由切碎的肉塞在开口圆饼里做成的,从秦朝开始(公元前221年-公元前207年)就有了。虽然这种中国街头小吃和我们美利坚的汉堡大不相同,但肉夹馍却被称为“世界上第一只汉堡”。
The rou jia mo originated in the Shaanxi province of China, and is noweaten all over the country. It's typically prepared and eaten on the street. Thedough for the bun, or mo, consists of a simple mixture of wheat flour, water andmaybe yeast. Of course recipes may vary, but this basic equation makes for achewy and subtle pillow for the delicious filling. While the mo is traditionallybaked in a clay oven, today it's often fried in a pan. They may look a littlelike Chinese steamed buns or baos, but the dough for those are, of course,steamed, not baked or fried.
The meat filling might consist of chopped pork, beef, lamb or chicken thathas been stewed with a variety of spices, like ginger, cloves, coriander andstar anise. You might also find herbs like cilantro or greens like lettucegarnishing the sandwich.