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学个词 Learn A Word 1626 likelihood

今天我们要学的词是 likelihood. Likelihood 可能性。美国西维吉尼亚州连续六年,一直是开车最容易撞到鹿的州。The likelihood of a West Virginian driver to hit a deer is 1 in 68. 西维吉尼亚州有驾照的人,每68个人里,就有一个人可能会撞上鹿。 飓风Sandy在美东登岸前,天气预报说,The likelihood of a big storm, with monster winds and heavy rains is increasing. 天气出现狂风暴雨的可能性越来越大。以往八届总统大选,美国科罗拉多大学都事先准确地预测出了选举结果。这次,The model indicates that Mitt Romney has a 77 percent likelihood of winning the popular vote. 该模型预计,罗姆尼有77%的可能赢得全民选票。好的,今天我们学习的词是 likelihood, likelihood, likelihood....