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学个词 Learn A Word 3533 convulse


今天我们要学的词是 convulse.

学个词 - convulse

convulse 的意思是震动,颤动。The spread of the coronavirus has caused stock markets to convulse with indexes experiencing sharp losses across the globe. 冠状病毒的传播日趋扩大,给股市带来震荡,全球各地股指均出现大幅下滑。

Egypt's state TV reported the country's former President Hosni Mubarak had died at 91. He was ousted in the 2011 Arab Spring uprising that had convulsed several regimes across the Middle East. 埃及国家电视台报道,埃及前总统穆巴拉克去世,享年91岁。穆巴拉克在2011年震撼中东各地政权的阿拉伯之春暴动中下台。