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学个词 Learn A Word 3623 egregious


学个词--egregious 今天我们要学的词是 egregious. Egregious is spelled E-G-R-E-G-I-O-U-S, egregious.

egregious 的意思是过分的,极其严重的。 White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany called the New York Times’ report on President Trump’s knowledge of Russian bounties against U.S. soldiers “egregious” and said the leaking “does not serve the interest of the United States”. 白宫新闻秘书麦肯尼称《纽约时报》有关特朗普总统对俄罗斯悬赏伤害美军士兵一事知情的报道“极为恶劣”,并表示媒体泄漏(军事信息)“不符合美国利益”。

Ten people have been indicted in a complex scheme to defraud insurance companies of more than $1 billion for medical testing in rural hospitals, these kinds of schemes are particularly egregious as they can undermine access to care in underserved communities. 有10人因参与一个复杂的骗局受到起诉,他们以在远郊医院进行医学检测而向保险公司诈取10亿多美元,这类骗局由于会破坏边远社区的医疗服务而尤为恶劣。

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