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草图    sketch
草图画纸    layout paper
草稿    draft
蚀刻术    etching
诱导抗力    induced drag
轴    shaft
轴心车削法    turning between centres
轴功    shaft work
轴承    bearing
轴环;卡圈    collar
轴接    coupling
轻锉法    light filing
退化    degradation
退火    annealing
重力;引力    gravitational force
重心    centre of gravity
重量    weight
重锉法    heavy filing
钝    blunt
钢    steel
钢尺    steel rule
钢丝刷    wire brush
钢夹    steel clip
钢针    spur
钢筋混凝土    reinforced concrete
钢锥    steel pricker
阀门    valve
面    plane
面心;形心    centroid
面材    plane materiel
面板    face plate
面板车削法    face plate turning
面结型晶体管    junction transistor
面罩    face mask
音量    volume
顺磁性    paramagnetic material
首版;原型;雏形    prototype
骨架结构    carcase construction
俯视图;平面图    plan
倒角;去角    chamfer
倒模成形;模塑;铸模成形    moulding
倾角    angle of inclination; rake angle
倾斜面    inclined plane
剖切面    cutting plane
剖切面线    cutting plane line
剖线    hatching line
剖视图    sectional view
剖面;纵切面    section
原子粒;晶体管    transistor
原色    primary colour
原型;雏形;首版    prototype
原料    raw material
哥罗芳;三氯甲烷    chloroform
圆口夹钳    round tongs
圆头弧刀    round nose gouge
圆头铁锤    ball pein hammer; raising hammer
圆头铆钉    conical head rivet; round head rivet
圆头螺丝    round head screw
圆形及椭圆形尺    circle and ellipse guide
圆形开口牙板    circular split die
圆形凸轮    circular cam
圆折边    beaded edge
圆咀钳    round nose pliers
圆底弯刨    round faced spokeshave
圆弧运动    circular motion
圆枝    round rod
圆规    compasses
圆通;圆管    round tube
圆铁砧    bick iron
圆盘锯;风车锯    circular saw
圆凿;弧口凿    gouge
圆锉    round file
圆瓣图    pie chart
埋头直孔    counterbore
埋头钻    countersink drill
埋头钻嘴    countersink bit; rose countersink drill
埋头铆钉    countersink head rivet
埋头锥孔    countersink
埋头螺丝    countersink head screw
埋头螺栓    countersink head bolt
套筒;套管    sleeve
套锤    fullers
家用的    domestic