Three Kingdoms of Wei,Shu and Wu 白帝托孤 The last words of Liu-bei
败走麦城 The failure of Guan-yu
蔡文姬 A talent woman Cai-wenji
如沐春风,如饮甘醇 Zhou-yu was convinced by Chen-pu
赐座以待 Haughtiness of Shun-hao
盗嫂受金 Cao-cao attracted talents
得陇望蜀 Insatiable
我负天下人 Cao-cao's escape
缚虎须紧 Caution to a caught tiger
股肥伤神 Liu-bei's sadness to idleness
顾影自怜 Chinese Narcissus
刮目相看 Look at sb. with new eyes
鸡肋 Insipid foods
集思广益 Draw on the wisdom of the masses
奸雄 Derivation of Cao-cao's nickname
建安风骨 The poetic style of Cao's family
居外而安 Kong-ming advised Liu-qi
鞠躬尽粹 Spare no effort in
鞠躬尽粹 Spare no effort in
砍桌誓师 Sun-quan's resolution
孔融 The end of Kong-rong
髡刑治军 Cao-cao's tricks for strict laws
乐不思蜀 Indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty
司马昭之心,路人皆知 The trick is open
纳张绣 Cao-cao's tolerance
青梅煮酒 Cao-cao talked with Liu-bei about Hero
铜雀台 Copper Bird Pavilion
荀粲 Xun-can's grief
引狼入室 Liu-bei got Shu by tricks
Three Kingdoms of Wei,Shu and Wu 白帝托孤 The last words of Liu-bei
败走麦城 The failure of Guan-yu
蔡文姬 A talent woman Cai-wenji
如沐春风,如饮甘醇 Zhou-yu was convinced by Chen-pu
赐座以待 Haughtiness of Shun-hao
盗嫂受金 Cao-cao attracted talents
得陇望蜀 Insatiable
我负天下人 Cao-cao's escape
缚虎须紧 Caution to a caught tiger
股肥伤神 Liu-bei's sadness to idleness
顾影自怜 Chinese Narcissus
刮目相看 Look at sb. with new eyes
鸡肋 Insipid foods
集思广益 Draw on the wisdom of the masses
奸雄 Derivation of Cao-cao's nickname
建安风骨 The poetic style of Cao's family
居外而安 Kong-ming advised Liu-qi
鞠躬尽粹 Spare no effort in
鞠躬尽粹 Spare no effort in
砍桌誓师 Sun-quan's resolution
孔融 The end of Kong-rong
髡刑治军 Cao-cao's tricks for strict laws
乐不思蜀 Indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty
司马昭之心,路人皆知 The trick is open
纳张绣 Cao-cao's tolerance
青梅煮酒 Cao-cao talked with Liu-bei about Hero
铜雀台 Copper Bird Pavilion
荀粲 Xun-can's grief
引狼入室 Liu-bei got Shu by tricks