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充水试验 filling water test
错边量 unfitness of butt joint
底圈 foundation ring
真空度检漏 vacuum degree leak test
丁字焊缝 tee welding
渗透探伤 oil whiting test
充水试验 filling water test
内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line joint
基础沉降 foundation settlement
测量基准点 datum mark
稳定性试验 stability test
排气阀 outlet valve
角钢 angle steel
构件 component part
机械损伤 mechanical damage
缩孔 shrinkage cavity
折迭 enfoldment
碳钢管 carbon steel tube
公称直径 nominal diameter
预埋件 embedded part
轴测图 axonometric drawing
布置图 arrangement diagram
氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting
低合金钢管 low alloy steel
热影响区 heat affected area
修磨 polish
砂轮片 grinding wheel
等离子 plasma panel
重皮 coldlap
凹凸 unevenness
缩口 necking down
端面 head face
倾斜偏差 dip deviation
外径 external diameter
砂轮 grinding wheel
管件 pipe casting
单线图 single line drawing
平齐 parallel and level
两端 two terminals
满扣 buckle
螺栓紧固 bolton
周边 periphery
附加应力 additional stress
同轴度 axiality
平行度 parallelism
随机 stochastic
允许偏差 allowable variation
水平度 levelness
隔离盲板 blind plate
氩弧焊argon arc welding
压盖螺栓 gland bolt
间距 spacing
有效期 period of validity
担任 take charge of undertake
焊条 welding rod
碳钢焊条 carbon steel
焊丝 welding wire
熔化焊 melting
钢丝 steel wire
气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding
烘干 drying
清洗 ablution
制度s ystem
焊接工艺 welding procedure
相应 corresponding
手工电弧焊 manual electric arc welding
手工钨极 manual tungsten electrode
打底 render
电源 power source
交流 alternating current
焊件 weldment
管壁厚度 pipe thickness
对接焊缝 butt weld
工件壁厚 workpiece
飞溅物 splash
沾污 smirch
油污 oil stain
细锉 smooth file
铣刀 milling cutter
氧化膜 oxide film
脱脂处理 ungrease treatment]
棉质纤维 cotton fibre
丙酮 acetone
硫 sulfur
焊剂 welding flux
钢板 steel plate
纵向焊缝 longitudinal weld longitudinal seam
筒节 shell ring
封头 end socket
卷管 reelpipe
强度试验 strength test
起弧 arc starting
穿堂风 draught
熔合 fusion
反面 reverse side
整体 integral
封堵 block up
焊口 weld bond
医用胶布 medical proof fabric
高频 high frequency
焊炬 welding torch
错边量 unfitness of butt joint
底圈 foundation ring
真空度检漏 vacuum degree leak test
丁字焊缝 tee welding
渗透探伤 oil whiting test
充水试验 filling water test
内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line joint
基础沉降 foundation settlement
测量基准点 datum mark
稳定性试验 stability test
排气阀 outlet valve
角钢 angle steel
构件 component part
机械损伤 mechanical damage
缩孔 shrinkage cavity
折迭 enfoldment
碳钢管 carbon steel tube
公称直径 nominal diameter
预埋件 embedded part
轴测图 axonometric drawing
布置图 arrangement diagram
氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting
低合金钢管 low alloy steel
热影响区 heat affected area
修磨 polish
砂轮片 grinding wheel
等离子 plasma panel
重皮 coldlap
凹凸 unevenness
缩口 necking down
端面 head face
倾斜偏差 dip deviation
外径 external diameter
砂轮 grinding wheel
管件 pipe casting
单线图 single line drawing
平齐 parallel and level
两端 two terminals
满扣 buckle
螺栓紧固 bolton
周边 periphery
附加应力 additional stress
同轴度 axiality
平行度 parallelism
随机 stochastic
允许偏差 allowable variation
水平度 levelness
隔离盲板 blind plate
氩弧焊argon arc welding
压盖螺栓 gland bolt
间距 spacing
有效期 period of validity
担任 take charge of undertake
焊条 welding rod
碳钢焊条 carbon steel
焊丝 welding wire
熔化焊 melting
钢丝 steel wire
气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding
烘干 drying
清洗 ablution
制度s ystem
焊接工艺 welding procedure
相应 corresponding
手工电弧焊 manual electric arc welding
手工钨极 manual tungsten electrode
打底 render
电源 power source
交流 alternating current
焊件 weldment
管壁厚度 pipe thickness
对接焊缝 butt weld
工件壁厚 workpiece
飞溅物 splash
沾污 smirch
油污 oil stain
细锉 smooth file
铣刀 milling cutter
氧化膜 oxide film
脱脂处理 ungrease treatment]
棉质纤维 cotton fibre
丙酮 acetone
硫 sulfur
焊剂 welding flux
钢板 steel plate
纵向焊缝 longitudinal weld longitudinal seam
筒节 shell ring
封头 end socket
卷管 reelpipe
强度试验 strength test
起弧 arc starting
穿堂风 draught
熔合 fusion
反面 reverse side
整体 integral
封堵 block up
焊口 weld bond
医用胶布 medical proof fabric
高频 high frequency
焊炬 welding torch
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