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判决电路 decision circuit
判决值 decision value
抛物面天线 parabolic antenna
匹配 matching
匹配负载 matched load
匹配负载电压 matched-load voltage
匹配网络 matching network
偏置 offset
偏置四相相移键控 offset QPSK
片状元件 chip component
片状元件封装 sealing of chip component
频率偏置 frequency offset
频带 frequency band
频带划分 band allocation
频带置乱 band scrambling
频道 frequency channel
频分多址 frequency division multiple access (FDMA)
频偏 frequency deviation
频漂 frequency drift
频谱纯度 spectrum purity
频谱节约 spectrum saving
频谱利用有效增益 effective gain in spectrum utilization
频谱效率 spectrum effectiveness
频率编码制 frequency-coding system
频率变化速率 frequency variation rate
频率变换电路 frequency-conversion circuit
频率标准 frequency standard
频率补偿 frequency compensation
频率不稳定度 frequency instability
(频率)带宽 (frequency) bandwidth
频率分割 frequency division
频率分集 frequency diversity
频率管理 frequency government
频率合成器 frequency synthesizer
频率(或信道的)指配 allotment of a frequency (or channel)
频率起伏 frequency fluctuation
频率容差 frequency tolerance
频率调制 frequency modulation (FM)
频率牵引 frequency pulling
频率微调 frequency fine tuning
频率稳定度 frequency stability
频率误差 frequency error
频率响应特性 frequency-response characteristic
频率校正突发(GSM的) frequency correction burst (FB)
频率选择性 frequency selectivity
频率选择性衰落(色散衰落) frequency selective fading
频率预置器 frequency presetting device
频率再利用卫星网络 frequency re-use satellite network
频率再用 frequency reuse
频率指配 frequency assignment
频率准确度 frequency accuracy
频移 frequency shift
频移键控 frequency shift keying (FSK)
频域分析 frequency domain analysis
品质因数 quality factor
平方律检波 square-law detection
平衡/不平衡变换器 balun
平衡混频器 balanced mixer
平衡码 balanced code
平滑调频 tamed frequency modulation (TFM)
平均包络检波 average envelope detection
平均功率 average power
平均故障间隔时间 mean time between failures (MTBF)
平均无故障时间 mean time to failures (MTTF)
平均修复时间 mean time to repair (MTTR)
平均值检波器 average value detector
平嵌天线 flush-mounted antenna
平衰落 flat fading
屏蔽回路的转移阻抗 transfer impedance (of a screened circuit)
屏蔽室 shielded enclosure, screened room
屏蔽系数 shielding factor
屏蔽装置 screen
破坏性试验 destructive test

汽车点火干扰 automotive ignition interference
器件带宽 bandwidth of a device
签署响应 signed response (SRES)
前导码 lead code
前后比 front-to-back ratio
前向差错控制 forward error control (FEC)
前向话音信道 forward voice channel (FVC)
前向纠错 forward error correction (FEC)
前向控制信道 forward control channel (FOCC)
前向信号 forward signal
前置放大器 preamplifier
前置分频器 prescalar
抢先-恢复优先规则 preemptive-resume priority scheme
窃听 interception
勤务数位(内务数位) service digital
勤务通信系统 service communication system
勤务信道 service channel
倾角(卫星轨道的) inclination (of a satellite orbit)
清晰度 definition, resolution, articulation
清晰度试验 articulation test
清音 unvoiced sounds
区位码 zone bit code
趋肤效应 skin effect
去多路复接 demultiplexing
去活 deactivation
去加重 de-emphasis
去加重电路 de-emphasis circuit