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教育业常用词汇 - 行政(4)

教育优先区计划 educational priority areas project
教师工会 teachers union
教师申诉 teacher grievances
教师申诉评议委员会 committee of teacher grievances
教师专业自主权 autonomy of teaching profession
教师专业评鉴 evaluation of teaching profession
教师组织 teachers organization
教师评审委员会 teacher evaluation committee
教师会 teachers association
教师聘约 teacher's contract
教师资格审查履历表 teacher qualification resume
教师证书 teacher certificate
教授 professor
教学设备经费 instruction equipment budget; the budget for instruction equipment
教学辅导教师 mentor teacher
清寒学生 students under poverty line
产学合作 collaboration between industry and school
毕业条件 graduation requirement
毕业应修学分数 credits requirement for graduation
统一入学测验中心 joint-entrance examination center
组织再造 organization restructuring
终身教育 lifelong education
规划委员会 planning committee
访问学者交换计划 visiting scholar exchange program
访视 visiting
设备标准 the standard of school equipment
径行修读 directly to advanced study
创造力国度 Republic of Creativity {= ROC}
创造力教育白皮书 White Paper on Creative Education
博士 Doctor
博士[学位]候选人 Doctoral candidate
博士学位 Doctor degree
媒体素养教育 media literacy education
就学贷款 student loan
暑期修课 taking summer courses
渡假打工计划 tour and part-time work program
减班 class reduction
登记分发入学 admission by registration and placement
发展指标 development indicators
童军教育 scout education
结业 completion of schooling
华裔学生 overseas Chinese students
华侨学校 school of overseas Chinese
华语文测验 Chinese Proficiency Test
著作审查 review of academic work
评鉴公告 evaluation bulletin
评鉴成果 evaluation outcome
评鉴标准 evaluation standard criteria
超支钟点费 overtime pay
进修教育 further education
进修学士班 the bachelor program of extension education
督导考核 supervision and assessment
经费分配 budget allocation
经费补助 budget subsidy
经费奖助 budget rewards
聘任 recruitment
肄业 school noncompletion
补习教育 supplementary education
资格检定 certification
资源中心 resource center