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麻醉学 Anesthesia
马克思主义原理 Principles of Marxism
马列(社会学)原着选读 Selected Readings of Marx\'s & Lenin\'s Original Wor
马列哲学原着选读 Selected Readings of Marx\'s & Lenin\'s Original Wor
马列主义原理 Principles of Marxism & Leninism
马氏规划 Martensitic Planning
脉冲功率放大 Pulse Power Magnification
脉冲功率技术 Pulse Power Techniques
脉冲与数字电路 Pulse & Digital Circuit
毛泽东思想哲学研究 Research on Mao Zedong\'s Thinking Philosophy
煤粉燃烧技术及测量技术 Coal Power Combustion & Technology and Measurement
美国文学作品选读 Selected Readings of American Literature
美术粉彩 Art Powder Paint
美术室外建筑写生 Outdoors Architectural Sketch
美术素描 Art Sketch
美学概论 Introduction to Aesthetics
蒙特卡罗方法在统计物理中的应用 Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics
秘书学 Secretary Science
密封技术 Sealing Technology
免疫化学技术 Immunochemical Technology, Methods for Immunological Chemistry
免疫学 Immunity, Immunology
免疫遗传学 Immunogenetics
面向对象程序设计 Object-Oriented Programming
面向对象程序设计方法 Design Methods of Object Oriented Program
面向对象的程序设计 Object Oriented Programming
面向对象系统分析与设计 Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design
民法学 Civil Law
敏感器件 Sensitive Apparatus
敏感元件 Sensors
敏感元件及材料 Sensors & Materials
名篇赏析 Appreciation of Master Pieces
明清小说研究 Research on NOVELS OF Ming & Qing Dynasties
模糊数学 Fuzzy Mathematics
模糊信息处理技术 Fuzzy Information Processing Technology
模具计算机辅助设计 Computer Aided Design of Models
模拟电路 Analog Circuitry
模拟电子技术 Analog Electronics Technique
模拟电子技术基础 Basic Analog Electronics
模拟电子技术实验 Analog Electronics Technique Experiment
模拟电子线路 Analog Electrical Circuitry
模拟集成电路 Analog Integrated Circuitry
模拟集成电路及应用 Analog Integrated Circuit & Application
模式识别 Matrix Recognition
模式识别 Pattern Recognition
模型辨识 Model Distinguish
膜模拟化学 Membrane Mimetic Chemistry
磨削原理 Principle of Grinding and Cutting


内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and Government Auditing
内分泌学 Endocrinology
内燃机测试技术 IC Engine Test Technology
内燃机调节 IC Engine Regulation
内燃机动力学 IC Engine Dynamics
内燃机概论 Introduction to IC Engine
内燃机检测技术 Measuring Technology for Internal-Combustion Engine
内燃机结构 Structure of Internal-Combustion Engine
内燃机排气净化 Purification of IC Exhaustive Gas
内燃机强度 Strength of Internal-Combustion Engine
内燃机设计 IC Engine Design
内燃机原理 Principles of Internal-Combustion Engine
内燃机制造工艺学 IC Manufacturing Technology
内燃机装修 Internal-Combustion Engine Maintenance
耐腐蚀非金属材料 Erosion-Resisting Non-metallic Materials
能源工程 Energy Source Engineering
拟南芥-结构与发育 Arobidosis-Structure and Development
扭转振动 Torque Vibration