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Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery
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It was in the very morning yesterday. When I came to the office, I saw my financial manager (Aged over 50) browsing on the net in front of his desktop, with two pieces of small white gauze attached on each his pouch under his eye. I didn’t know what had happened to his eyes so I felt pretty curious, “Morning, manager, what’s wrong with your eyes?” “Oh, I went to the eye doctors yesterday, for the purpose of beautifying my eyes, so I resected my pouches under my eyes and must wear the gauze on my eyes’ pouch in order to keep stable shape of my eyes.” He answered, smiling…
    Hitherto, I don’t know how many people may give a nod to the cosmetic surgery, nor do I know how many people may frown on it. But yet we are unable to stop the cosmetic surgery from playing an increasingly strong role in our daily life. Obviously it is conceivable that with people’s standard of living become higher and higher, what most of them are no longer worried about basic human needs