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SARS 相关英语词汇(1)

入院期 hospitalized period
口罩 facemask/mask
口罩上方的金属片 metallic strip at the top of the mask
口粪传播 oral-faecal route of transmission
大流行病 pandemic
工业用口罩 industrial face mask
不能医治的 incurable
中国疾病预防控制中心 Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
中国卫生部长张文康 Health Minister Zhang Wenkang
内科及药物治疗学系 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
公筷及公匙 serving spoons and chopsticks
分泌物 secretions
尤德夫人儿童体能智力测验中心 Pamela Youde Child Assessment Centre
手术及工业用口罩 surgical and industrial face mask
支原体 mycoplasma
世界卫生组织 World Health Organization (WHO)
世界卫生组织旅游警告 WHO travel advisory
加强消毒 step up disinfection
外科手术专用口罩 surgical facemask/mask
市民 municipalities
打喷嚏 sneeze
民政事务局 Home Affairs Bureau
民政事务署 Department of Home Affairs
民众安全服务处 Civil Aid Service
石硖尾健康院 Shek Kip Mei Health Centre
立法会食物安全及环境卫生委员会 Legislative Council’s Panel on Food Safety and Environment Hygiene
交叉感染 cross-infection
企业环境管治计划 Corporate Environmental Governance Programme
全身乏力 malaise
全身酸痛乏力 generalized muscle ache and weakness
全球死亡人数 global death toll
危机感 sense of crisis
危机管理措施 crisis-management measures
地拖 mop
多聚美梅反应测试 RT PCR test
安大略省 Province of Ontario
死亡人数  death toll
肌肉痛 myalgia (Severe Muscle Ache)
自我隔离 self-quarantine
血清 serum
衣原体  chlamydia {plural: -iae}
西营盘赛马会分科诊所 Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Polyclinic
免疫荧光抗体测试 Immunofluorescent Antibody Test
利巴韦林/三氮唑核甘(抗病毒药) Ribavirin
含酒精的洗手液 alcohol-based hand rubs
坐厕及水箱把手/坐垫及盖板 water closets and cistern handles/ seat and cover flaps
庇护中心 asylum center
快速测试 quick test
抗生素 anti-biotics
抗病毒药物 antiviral drug
抗体 antibody
技术专家 technocrat
李国章 Arthur Li
李嘉诚专科诊疗所 Li Ka Shing Specialist Outpatient Department
身体排泄物 bodily secretion
防止传染病蔓延规例 Prevention of the Spread of Infectious Diseases Regulations
防疫措施 anti-infection measures
京华国际酒店 Metropole Hotel
儿科医生 paediatrician
呼吸系统感染 respiractory tract infections
呼吸道 respiratory passages
呼吸道分泌物 respiratory secretions
呼吸道受感染 respiratory tract infection
延长停课 extension of class suspension period
抽取样本 take samples
抵抗力弱 weakened immune systems
东区尤德夫人那打素医院 Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
治愈率 recovery rate
社区内感染的肺炎 community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)
空气不流通 poorly ventilated.
空气流通 well ventilated/ good ventilation
空气传染 airborne transmission
肺炎 pneumonia
肺炎双球菌/肺炎链球菌 streptococcous pneumoniae
肥皂液 liquid soap
初期征状 early symptoms
门诊 otpatient
非典型肺炎 atypical pneumonia (AP)
非典型肺炎疫潮 outbreak of atypical pneumonia
冠状病毒/冠病毒 coronavirus
冠病毒肺炎 coronavirus pneumonia (CVP)
前线 frontline
南葵涌赛马会分科诊所 South Kwai Chung Jockey Club Polyclinic
咳嗽有痰 productive cough
咽喉抹片样本 nasal and throat swab specimens
韦尔斯亲王医院 Prince of Wales Hospital
封锁 cordone off
尸体解剖 post-mortem examination
急症室 Hospital Accident and Emergency Department
指定医疗中心 designated clinics
流行性感冒, influenza
流行病毒学家 epidemiologist
流行病学家 epidemiologist
流感病毒 influenza virus
疫症 epidemic
疫埠 infected area/epidemic zone/ epidemic-stricken area
美国疾病控制及预防中心 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States
致命 fatal
致病源 etiology
重大事件调查及灾难支持工作系统 Major Incident Investigation And Disaster Support System
飞沫 droplet/respiratory droplet
飞沫传染 droplet infections
飞沫传播 droplet spread
食物环境卫生署 Food & Environmental Hygiene Department
食肆 eatery
香港公共医疗医生协会  Hong Kong Public Doctors’ Association
香港西医工会 Hong Kong Doctors Union
香港旅游发展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board
香港零售管理协会 Hong Kong Retail Management Association
香港医学会 Hong Kong Medical Association
仓鼠 hamster
准许病人出院 discharge a patient
家居隔离 home confinement
旅游限制 travel restriction
气促/气喘 shortness of breath
消毒 disinfect/sterilize
消毒剂 disinfectant/antiseptics
特效药 specifics
疾病监督系统 disease surveillance system
病因 pathogenesis
病房 ward
病毒学家 virologist
病原  pathogen
病理学家 pathologist
病源 source of the disease
病征 symptoms
神经紧张 jittery
胸肺X光检查 chest X-ray (CXR)
高度传染 highly contagious
干咳 dry cough
停课 suspend classes
健康申报表 Health Declaration Form
副黏液病毒 paramyxovirus
副黏液病毒科病毒 paramyxoviridae
培植 culturing
密封的 hermetic
带菌者 virus carrier
康复出院病人 discharged patients
接受健康监察 under medical surveillance
教育统筹局 Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB)
教育统筹局局长李国章 Secretary for Education and Manpower, Arthur Li Kwok-cheung
教协 Professional Teachers’ Union
梁智鸿医生 Dr. Leong Che-hung
毫无根据 unfounded and unsubstantiated
淡化 play down
清洗及消毒 cleanse and disinfect
淘大花园 Amoy Gardens
深切治疗部 intensive care unit (ICU)
被隔离检疫的居民 quarantined residents
野味 exotic animals
麦理浩夫人度假村 Lady MacLehose Holiday Village
麻疹 measles
寒颤 rigors
厕缸 toilet bowl
复课 resume classes
恶性的 virulent
恶意的谣言 malicious rumour
减退 subside
发冷 shiver or chill
发炎 inflammation
稀释的家用漂白水 diluted household bleach
虚假消息 bogus news
证实个案 confirmed case
诊断 diagnosis
诊断测试 diagnostic test
黄热病 yellow fever
传染 contagion
传染病 infectious disease/ communicable disease
传染病通报制度 infectious disease notification system
传染病学家 epidemiologist
传播 transmission
传播途径 vector
传播源头 reservoir host
微生物学家 microbiologist
感染 contract/be infected with
感染源头 source of infection
抢购(粮食及必需品) snap up (food and essentials)
源头病人 index patient
畸胎 foetal deformities
痰涎 sputum