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(Prince walks in the Beauty Country and looks at a crowd of people. Some people try to make the princess sleep.)
Prince: (To himself.) A woman among the crowd: I’ve tried several ways and still they didn’t work! I think I can make the princess sleep! Can I try?
King & Queen: Yes! It’s our pleasure. Please try.
Prince: Thank you! (Take his shoes off and put his feet in front of the princess’s face.) Sorry! My dear princess!
Princess: Oh! Your feet smell so awful. I can’t breathe and I want to sleep.
King & Queen: Oh no! My dear~ What happened to you? Don’t scare us!
(King touches her nose to check if the princess breathes.)
King: She’s still breathing. She just fell asleep.
(Queen hugs the Princess.)
Queen: Thank you! Oh, thank God! My dear baby finally fell asleep.
King: (To the prince.) Oh! Thank you! We are very lucky to meet you.
Prince: I can’t believe it! My disgusting feet have magic power!!
Queen: Oh! Don’t say that! They are not disgusting at all. Congratulations! You are going to marry my dear daughter.
King: Yes! This is a happy ending.
Ada: Whenever the princess couldn’t sleep, all she had to do was to smell the prince’s stinky feet. And then, she would sleep very well. In the end, the prince and the princess lived happily together.