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职称英语考试综合类C级模拟题 (一)



2.In arranging a marriage in Japan, the matchmaker plays all of the following roles except
A.making arrangement for the wedding.
B.proving the information the families need.
C.arranging the marriage interview
D.attending the marriage interview

3.according to the passage, the best time to make arrangement for the wedding is
A.when the young couple agree to meet again.
B.when the young couple are sincere about their relation.
C.when the parents think it is time for their children to get married.
D.when the parents are well-informed about each others family.

4.in the traditional Japanese way of marriage, the marriage money given by the boys family is used for
A.the matchmakers pay
B.the marriage interview
C.the wedding ceremony and the new house
D.the girls wedding clothes

5.According to the passage, what plays the most important role in the matching of young people in Japan?
A.Their parents attitude.
B.Their family background.
C.Their occupation.
D.Their love for each other.

One-room Schools(难度C/B级)来源:http://Hxen.com

  One-room schools are part of the heritage of the United States, and the mention of them makes people feel a vague longing for “the way things were2” One-room schools are an endangered species, however.  For more than a hundred years, one-room schools have been systematically shut down and their students away to centralized schools. As recently as 1930 there were 149,000 one-room schools in the United States. By 1970 there were 1,800. Today, of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools, more than 350 are in Nebraska. The rest are scattered through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-open spaces between towns.
  Now that there are hardly any left, educators are beginning to think that maybe there is something yet to be learned from one-room schools, something that served the pioneers that might serve as well today. Progressive educators have come up with progressive-sounding names like “peer-group teaching” and “multi-age grouping” for educational procedures that occur naturally in the one-room school. In a one-room school the children teach each other because the teacher is busy part of the time teaching someone else. A fourth grader can work at a fifth-grade level in math and a third –grade level in English without the stigma associated with being left back or the pressures of being skipped ahead. A youngster with a learning disability can find his or her own level without being separated from the other pupils In larger urban and suburban schools today, this is called “mainstreaming”. A few hours in a small school that has only one classroom and it becomes clear why so many parents feel that one of the advantages of living in Nebraska is that their children have to go to a one-room school.

1. It is implied in the passage that many educators and parents today feel that one-room schools
A)need to be shut down.
B)are the best in Nebraska.来源:http://Hxen.com
C)are a good example of the good old days.
D)provide good education.

2. Why are one-room schools in danger of disappearing?
A)Because they all exist in one state.
B)Because they skip too many children ahead.
C)Because there is a trend toward centralization.
D)Because there is no fourth-grade level in any of them.

3. What is mentioned as a major characteristic of the one-room school system in the second paragraph?
A)Some children have to be left back.
B)Teachers are always busy.
C)Pupils have more freedom.
D)Learning is not limited to one grade level at a time.

4.Which of the following can best describe the author’s attitude toward one-room schools?
C) Critical.来源:http://Hxen.com
D) Humorous.

5.It can be inferred from the last sentence that parents living in Nebraska
A)don’t like centralized schools.
B)received education in one-room schools.
C)Prefer rural life to urban one.
D)Come from other states.
Bus travel now and then ( 难度C/B级)来源:http://Hxen.com

  Nobody, except perhaps little children, considers a journey in a bus as exciting experience. Although there are thousands of cars on the roads, more people travel by bus than by car. Workers rushing to their offices or factories, children hurrying to school, housewives going shopping, use buses. For cities without other public transport services, if all the buses were to stop running for a day, work would come to a standstill in hundreds of offices and factories and most classrooms would be deserted.
  Buses today are large and have comfortable seats, mostly facing the front. To get the driver to stop at a bus-stop, a passenger has merely to push a button, which rings a bell placed near the driver. The bus schedule for the city is well planned, and seldom does one have to wait very long to catch a bus. One can go from almost any part of the city to another by bus.
  Of course, there are drawbacks in bus travel. Often the buses are filled to capacity, especially during the rush-hours, and then one may have to wait longer than usual at a bus-stop for a bus with space for more passengers. If one gets into a crowded bus, one may have to remain standing throughout the journey holding on to a leather strap. This can be quite uncomfortable and even a little dangerous, as one may be jerked off one’s feet if the bus stops or starts suddenly.
  In spite of the inconveniences, we should be grateful for the advantages of bus travel today. The situation was quite different a generation or two ago. In the early 1830’e buses were much smaller than they are now. They did not run to a proper timetable. To catch a bus one stood at a bus-stop(many roads did not even have bus-stops), and took one’s chance. Buses took in as many passengers as could squeeze in. passengers sat on benches placed on either side of the bus, facing each other.

1. In a big city, cars are less important than buses because ___.
A. cars carry far fewer people
B. car travel is less exciting来源:http://Hxen.com
C. cars are more expensive
D. cars are inconvenient

2. In order to get off the bus, a passenger has to ___.
A. shout to the driver
B. push some buttons
C. jump off the bus
D. ring a special bell来源:http://Hxen.com

3. Bus travel nowadays ___.
A. is worse than before
B. is no better than before
C. is more convenient than before来源:http://Hxen.com
D. is the same as before

4. What may happen when one is standing in a crowded bus?
A. one may be forced to leave the bus
B. one may not have to pay the fare
C. one may become suffocated
D. one may lose one’s balance

5. We can deduce from the fourth paragraph that in former times bus services were ___.
A. eventful
B. irregular
C. efficient来源:http://Hxen.com
D. well planned


Three attitudes to life (难度C/B级)来源:http://Hxen.com

  __1__. You may approach life with the philosophy of the vegetable, in which case your life will consist in being born, eating, drinking, sleeping mating, growing old, and dying.
   __2__. A great many so-called successful men and women believe that life is a business, and they arrange their conduct and behavior accordingly. If you believe that life is a business your first question of life, naturally, is “what do I get out of it?” __3__.
  The great majority of human beings today look at life as if it were a business.__4__.
  The third attitude toward life is the approach of the artist. Here the basic philosophy is “what can I put into it? ”, and the basic relation of the individual to his follow-men is one of cooperation and common sense.__5__.  The more we investigate and the more we learn about living the more we become convinced that the artistic attitude is the only one which is consistent with human happiness. 来源:http://Hxen.com

A. In a word based on this attitude, happiness becomes a matter of successful competition.
B. As a human being you have the choice of three basic attitudes towards life.
C. Their basic philosophy is one of competition and efficiency.
D. The second basic attitude is to look at life as if it were a business.
E. This point of view has been proved by history; for history remembers best those who have contributed most richly to the interests of their follow-men.
F. Is a proper attitude of life sure to bring about a happy life?

第6部分:完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)来源:http://Hxen.com


Prolonging life (难度B/C级)来源:http://Hxen.com

  Scientists know that there are two basic approaches to prolonging life. One approach is the __1__ of the diseases that generally __2__ older people – diseases such as cancer, heart attack and stokes. __3__ is the delay of the process of growing old – the __4__ of the body.
  In recent years scientific researchers have spent much time in the study of the process of aging. They believe __5__, within a few years, they will develop the knowledge and the __6__ to delay the aging process for 10 to 15 years. The __7__ will be that more people will live longer, more healthful lives. At present, scientists believe that __8__ the right diet, exercise, medical __9__, and mental attitude many people can live to be 100 years old.
  Gerontologists, people who __10__ studies of the problems of growing old, are investigating __11__ body cells slow down and __12__ die. They feel that delaying this slowing down process would help postpone death. In a number of American universities, scientists are __13__ the activity of cells, the effects of diet and internal body temperature __14__ aging. If their studies are successful, the results should help improve the quality of life for older people in the next few years, __15__ increase the life span of the next generation.
A) elimination   B) deletion  C) demonstration    D) conduction