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How To Create and Market Your own E-Book


The Internet presents an amazing opportunity foranyone who knows how to research and write.

There's masses of free information on the Web - allyou have to do is gather it together and package it,and you have an E-Book that people will pay for.

"But if there's so much free information on the Web,why would anyone pay for my E-Book?", you may bewondering.

The answer? Convenience!

They'd rather buy your E-Book and save themselves thehours, days and weeks that you spent researching itand putting it all together.

------------------------------STEP 1: writing Your E-Book------------------------------

Pick a Topic. It could be 'How to accept Credit Cardson the Web without having a Merchant Account'. Or itcould be '25 Free Resources For Getting More Traffic',or it could be about cooking, gardening, Dog Breeding,etc.

Write down the Title of your E-Book in the center of ablank page and circle it. If you can't think of atitle yet, just write down the subject that yourE-Book will be about (e.g. Dog Breeding).

Then jot down 8 or 10 Basic Ordering Ideas (BOIs) in aradius around your E-Book title or concept.

If you're having trouble coming up with BOIs, hold inyour mind the title or concept of your E-Book and thenask yourself these questions: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOWand WHEN.

Now connect the Basic Ordering Ideas to the E-Booktitle with outward-pointing arrows, like the spokes ofa wheel.

Under each BOI, draw a vertical line and against thatline, jot down the sub-ideas that belong under thatBasic Ordering Idea.

Now turn your Mind Map into an outline. Take the BasicOrdering Ideas from your Mind Map and order them, 1 to10 (or 1 to 8, 1 to 12 etc); These are your Chapterheadings. Now take the sub-ideas and write them downunder each BOI; these are your Chapter sections.

I recommend you write the text of your E-Book as asingle Microsoft Word document. This allows you to geta feel for the overall structure of your E-Book, andit also makes spell-checking much easier.

------------------------------STEP 2: Creating Your E-Book------------------------------

Now divide your Word document into single pages; thesewill become the HTML pages of your E-Book.

There are well over a dozen different E-Book compilerson the market.

Here are two compilers that are free:

- SbookBuilder:http://www.jansfreeware.com/jftools.htm#sbookbuilder

- eBookIt:http://www.cottagemicro.com/ebooks/

However, if you want to make a good impression withyour customers, I highly recommend that you use acommercial E-Book compiler.

Here is a list of commercial E-Book compilers:

- Activ EBook Compiler:http://www.ebookcompiler.com

- Document Publisher:http://www.fuguesoftware.com

- EBook Pro Compiler:http://www.ebookpro.com

- E-Book Publishing Wizard:http://www.successarsenal.com/

- EbookPaper:http://www.ebookpaper.com

- E-Publisher Gold:http://www.ebook-software.com

- ePublish Now:http://www.ebookgraphics.com

- FlipBrowser V. 1.0:http://www.flipbrowser.com

- ExeBook:http://www.exebook.com

- HTML2EXE:http://www.html2exe.com

- HyperMaker HTML 2000:http://www.bersoft.com

- Illuminatus v4.51:http://www.digitalworkshop.co.uk

- Infinite Ink:http://www.infiniteink.com

- NeoBook V. 4.0:http://www.neosoftware.com

- WebCompiler:http://www.webcompiler.com

- WebExe 1.3:http://www.aw-soft.com/webexe.html

- Winebook:http://superwin.com/
