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Which Notebook Computer Has Your Name On It?


Notebook computers Are Sexy!

Granted, the notebook computer may just be the sexiest accessory this side of a Baywatch Extra! But are they worth the extra money? Should yournext PC be a notebook or laptop computer?

What are the pros and cons of owning a notebook computer? More importantly, which notebook is best for you?

There's no denying it -- notebook computers are sexy!Slim, svelte and lightweight; they always come across aslooking sexy, the ultimate in high fashion accessories.

Maybe sexy isn't the most appropriate word -- we are talking about chips, hard drives and bits of metal.But you have to admit; they do look good on just aboutanybody!

However; don't let the good looks fool you! And don't get blinded by all that sleek metal and flashy designs.

The notebook is one little workhorse whose timemay just have come. Growing in popularity as pricesdecline, it's definitely worth consideringwhen you make your next PC purchase.

All kidding aside, finding the right notebook that hasyour name on it can be a daunting task!

Basically, you have to narrow it down to a few simplesteps. Then consider all your options before you make your decision.

First, ask yourself -- what types of tasks, jobs, doyou want the computer to perform? Do you want it for traveling, Business, or for use in the Home?

Do you want it for simple tasks like email, webbrowsing or to use as a word processor? Do you want it for gaming, web authoring, heavy graphic work, dvd or MP3 downloading?

Next, consider all these options and find the notebookthat best suits your needs. Remember, it's your needsthat have to be fulfilled. Don't let a pushy salespersontalk you into buying something you will never needor use.

At the same time, make sure you buy a notebook that has all the features that will complete all the tasks you throw at it. In other words, make sure it can do the job!

Keep that question in the back of your head as youread the rest of this article. Especially, keep itin mind, as you browse thru all these sleek models andmakes of notebooks. Don't be dazzled by all thatsexiness!

Keep your eyes on the cursor!

Keep asking yourself -- what does my new notebook computer need in order for it to get the job done?

Lets take a closer look at all the options.

First, like anything sexy; notebooks come in allshapes and sizes.

SMALL: How small can they be?

They can be as tiny as well -- the small traditional paper notebooks -- with 10-inch displays. There is even a sub category known as Tablet PCs; these arevery small tablets where you enter the data usinga stylus. Common in certain fields, like