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Laptop Security -Whered My Laptop Go?


Laptops are lovely. They are convenient, mobile, powerful and prestigious.

They are also thief magnets. Over 400,000 laptops disappear each year, leaving their owners wondering where they went, what is happening with their data and what to do next.

Some of the laptops are just lost - left in cabs, at hotels, restaurants and at conferences and events. Many of these laptops (but not all) find their way back to their lucky owners.

Some are stolen by people - many of them co-workers, service staff or people taking advantage of a "moment of opportunity" - who just want to have a laptop.

Some are stolen by professional "Laptop Lifters" who may work in teams to steal the laptops for resale.

And others are stolen, not for the laptop itself, which may be a bonus, but for the data on the laptop's hard drive - financial or identity data or Business plans or data.

For example:
  • QualComm's CEO had his laptop stolen while he was conducting a Press Conference. Reportedly, some of QualComm's most valuable secrets were on that laptop, unencrypted and only protected by an easily bypassed password.
  • A Department of State laptop containing high level information on nuclear proliferation was stolen right from State's headquarters. Two administrators were fired and other personnel were reprimanded.Think about it - What other piece of equipment or personal possession do we routinely carry around that is worth over a thousand dollars, by itself, and may be worth thousands more in data? Why wouldn't that be attractive to thieves?

    A large part of the problem is less on the hardware or software end of things, it's in the HUMAN side of things. By raising our awareness many of the vulnerabilities can be greatly lessened.

    There are 3 areas of vulnerability: 1) Securing the actual laptop, 2) Securing the Data, 3) Getting the laptop back.

    1) Securing the actual laptop

    There are many ways to control the physical security of a laptop.

    There are cable locks that can be attached to an immovable object to make it more difficult to just pick up the laptop and walk away. Although these cables can be cut with a bolt cutter, some of them are combined with an alarm that will sound if the cable is cut.

    Alarms or motion detectors are also available without the cable locks. They can be set to activate whenever the laptop is moved or when the laptop is moved a certain distance away from a pocket receiver that the owner has, which also alerts the owner.www.anchorpad.com, www.kensington.com, www.computersecurity.com, www.pcguardian.com, www.trackitcorp.com, www.minatronics.com

    Use a laptop carrying bag that does not look like a laptop case. Having a laptop case that says IBM or Sony is advertising that you are carrying a highly valuable commodity. Consider using a backpack with your laptop in it in a padded sleeve. One of the prime places for laptop theft is the men's bathroom in airports and convention centers. Another prime place that laptops are stolen is at pay phones in a busy area.

    Just as there are pickpocket teams, one of whom distracts you by "accidentally" bumping into you while the other steals your wallet, there are "Laptop Lifters" one of whom will accidentally spill something on you while the other walks off with your laptop. A good rule to follow is: any time there is a diversion near you, put your hand on your laptop.

    People usually feel comfortable at conferences and conventions. After all, you are usually surrounded by your peers, and there are often convention staff around to provide security. Often the theft will take place on the second or third day, when IDs for entry are not being checked as stringently, and many of the attendees are NOT wearing their badges. Many times people will leave laptops unguarded on or under conference tables during breaks.

    Even if it is not your laptop that is stolen, your PCMIA cards - modem or wireless connectors - can be stolen in an instant. Not only is this a loss of value, it's also a real inconvenience.

    It's a good idea to engrave your company