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Best Remedies for Insomnia: More Than a Sleepless Night


More Than a Sleepless Night

There's more to insomnia than just trouble falling asleep. Some people fall asleep just fine but wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. Others sleep through the night but wake too early in the morning. And still others appear to sleep through the night with no problem, but never wake rested.

While it's normal to experience an occasional bad night of sleep, if your sleep problems become chronic, it's time to do something about them. Lack of sleep interferes with immune function and increases your risk of insulin resistance. Then there are the dangers of trying to get through the day (especially if you have to drive) when you're overtired.

Various health issues may contribute to sleep problems, including menopause, depression (early morning awakening is a common sign of Depression), and just about any condition that causes pain. Other culprits include restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea, in which you slightly awaken dozens of times a night because your breathing stops.

Just as important as the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep is the ability to cycle in an orderly fashion through the five stages of sleep several times a night. This is critical to cell growth and repair and a strong immune system. If something (for instance, alcohol, heavy smoking, or abnormally hot or cold bedroom temperatures) interrupts the progression of these sleep stages, you won't feel well rested and your immune system, mood, and memory may suffer.

Not being able to sleep can be extremely frustrating. But before you turn to sleeping pills, there are plenty of natural approaches to try.