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Gray Hair Shampoo: The Best Treatment for Your Hair


Just because you have Gray hair doesn't mean you should use any old shampoo. When your hair goes Gray it's a sign that it needs special treatment as the vital nutrients that produce the pigment for your hair color are now no longer as healthy as they use to be.

So what should you look for in a shampoo when deciding on the best treatment for your hair? Gray hair will usually be dry so you need a shampoo that will bring back the moisture in your hair as well as replace the vital nutrients that are lacking. There are many shampoos on the market that treat thinning, dry, brittle and oily hair; however there are not many that claim to treat gray hair.

If you are looking for a shampoo that is going to treat your Gray hair as well as return your hair to its natural color or at least darken it to some degree then you need to have a very specific shampoo. Do not go for a shampoo that promises to bring back your natural hair color in one or two washed as this means that the shampoo contains a lot of dye and will do nothing for the condition of your hair. Most people want a shampoo that will gradually change the color of their hair over time so that it is not too noticeable or immediately obvious.

When our hair goes gray it is because the cells in our hair follicles called "Melanocytes", stop producing pigment and the result is a transparent hair. The transparent hair against your healthier darker hair gives the appearance of Gray hair. In reality the hair is not Gray but transparent. When we reach this stage its because our hair is no longer as healthy as it use to be so we need to treat it in such a way that we replace what it has lost. Although we have mentioned the main cause of the hair going Gray it is also important to remember that the lack of nutrients such as B12 and Omegas 3's are major contributors of hair going Gray.

So to treat your Gray hair you need to replace these 2 ingredients. B12 can be taken in tablet form but the Omega 3's can be found in some shampoos. The way it works is that the Omega 3 rich shampoo penetrates deep into the hair follicle to deliver uNPRecedented nutrition to keep the hair follicle in its original color. The oil contained in the shampoo is known as the follicle awakener and has been used by many to help prevent the onset of gray hair. Every hair must have omega 3's to grow properly.

There are products on the market that have these attributes so there is a solution to treating your Gray hair. Whether you want to get your hair color back or just look after your hair the way it is then you need the right shampoo. So make sure the shampoo you choose has these ingredients in them. Just because you have Gray hair doesn't mean it shouldn't look good.

Grant Marwick is a freelance writer and owner of http://www.no-gray-hair.com that provides solutions and advice on the treatment of gray hair and Shampoo for Gray Hair