Seven Quick and Simple Reminders for Healthy Skin
Healthy skin is a sign of good health. The skin is the largest vital organ in our body comprising of about two billion cells and has a surface area of around two square meters.Oftentimes, the radiant, glowing and smooth skin of a person gets our attention, and be ultimately envious. The truth is nobody can blame us. A beautiful skin is always worthy of attention and praise. It spells great responsibility for the person to take care of his skin that way. And although only very few people can actually have the perfect skin and complexion, we too can do something to bring out the best in our skin.Here are quick and simple ways that we can care for our skin.1. Nourish your skin by eating the proper foods. This means healthy and balanced diet. Healthy and balanced diet promotes our general well- being and optimizes our body to function at its best. To have a healthy skin, eat plenty of seed food i.e. fruits that contain seeds, vegetables - organic vegetables are better as it contains additional nutrients.2. Drink plenty of water. The recommended eight glasses of water a day is essential in maintaining the skin's elasticity and suppleness. Water also clears your skin and aids in the proper elimination of waste. Remember, less waste products in your body, more beautiful skin.3. Exercise regularly. Exercise is good for our heart and body. Even our skin benefits with exercise by increasing blood circulation and thus bringing enough oxygen and nutrients to the rest of our body. Exercise also triggers the body to produce more sebum that is the body's natural moisturizer.4. Be smoke and alcohol- free. Smoking tends to destroy the Vitamin C in your body, damage the elastic tissues that keep the skin tight. Drinking liquor on the other hand tends to expand your blood vessels causing red spots and itchiness on your skin.5. Cleanse it. Cleaning plays an important part in the overall wellness of your skin. Experts agree that we should gently clean our skin; tone it; moisturize it; and exfoliate it.6. Protect your skin. Harsh elements can severely damage your skin and can lead to irritation and infection. Wear sunscreen with at least SPF 15 every time you go out of the sun. For outdoor activity, use SPF 45 because you'll be perspiring, which dilutes the sunscreen. For those who are very fair, who have red hair, blue eyes and freckles, add a total block that contains titanium or zinc.7. Rest. Get plenty of rest. You are giving your skin a time to rejuvenate and heal while you rest. Stress is extremely bad for your skin and body. It indirectly creates instability in your hormonal system, which in turn leads to more skin problems like breakouts and acne.Acne Cure Review -
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