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Sunless Tanning Booth


As we begin to fully understand the serious consequences of sun tanning, we are looking for alternatives and that's why a visit it a sunless tanning booth has become so popular. There are no tanning bed risks and no tanning bed burns to worry about. Just a beautiful golden tan that lasts about a week.

Remember the first self tanners that hit the shelves many years ago - wella you became instant carrot orange. Well we've come along way babe! The hottest thing to hit the beauty seen is the sunless tanning booth which gently sprays your entire body a golden brown. You'll look naturally sun kissed and no one, and I mean no one will know its not a gift from mother nature."

Although you can get your spray tan out of a can it can be a bit tricky and you might land up looking a little streaky so why not book an appointment at your favorite salon and get it done right. Just think the perfect sunless tan! No more harmful UV rays

If you don't which shop has a spray booth or who is good then ask around, word of mouth is always a good way to find out what salon does the best spray tanning. Once you've chosen a salon book your appointment.

On the day of your appointment shower and exfoliate to make sure you've removed all loose and flaky skin. All the spray tanning in the world won't do you any good if its just going to flake off tomorrow with dead skin. A loofah works great for removing dead skin.

If there are parts of your body that you don't' want spray tanned than choose old clothing to cover them because they are going to be covered in a dye that doesn't come off easily. You'll also need to make sure they fit tight so that spray can't waft up.

Be sure you follow the instructions the salon gives you. Normally they give you a handout to read that tells you what to do.

After your sprayed you need to stand still for 60 seconds to let the tan dry evenly. This doesn't mean its completely dry it just this is when it's easiest to rub off or smear. You should actually be cautious for a couple of hours. After the 60 seconds gently blot your skin with a towel to catch drips and remove any blotches.

Feet don't normally get as much sun as the rest of you so they are often paler. In a spray booth they may actually darker faster because of the angle so it's best to wear the paper booties the salon gives you to keep your tan looking natural. You can always apply a coat at Home with a can tanner if they are too light.

If you've got a special event coming up, perhaps a wedding, prom, or a re-union, spray tanning might be something you'll want to try. When done correctly it results in a very natural looking tan adding summer color to your pale winter skin. Using a sunless tanning booth is what could be called smart tanning. So what are you waiting for? Why not give it a try?

M.D. Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at The Acne Cure