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Before You Burn - Information About Weight Training Routines For Beginners
Information About Weight Training Routines For BeginnersSo you need to lose a few pounds? Perhaps you want to bulk up and strengthen and define your muscle tone? Maybe you just want to add a bit of variety to your exercise program? Weight training routines offer a great way to accomplish these goals. These types of training routines are used by professional athletes, fitness pros, and body builders. Many individuals work weight training into their overall exercise routine in combination with cardio workouts or other activities. In order for a weight training routine to be effective, it needs to be targeted to produce specific results. The exercises you include will be different depending on what you want to accomplish.Basic Weight Training WorkoutsWhen first getting started with weight training programs, it is important to learn proper technique before moving on to more difficult exercises or heavier weights. It is also a good idea to establish a pattern or routine to help you stick to your program and get consistent results. For beginners, training for a half hour or 45 minutes two to three times each week is recommended. As noted, the exercises you include in your routine will depend on the results desired.Strength Training WorkoutsA muscle gets stronger when it is used consistently. For example, a person lifting 5-lb dumbbells according to the same workout routine will condition their muscles to perform at a certain level and will maintain and tone muscles. To increase strength and bulk, the muscles will need to be forced to lift beyond the normal range, hence the saying, no pain, no gain.To exceed current capacity and improve muscle strength, a workout should progressively add more weight, sets, or repetitions in a set. It may become necessary to move to a different type of lifting exercise. Those who want to increase strength while minimizing growth of muscle mass should aim for the maximum number or repetitions possible for each weight, rather than trying to lift heavier than anyone else.Muscle Building RoutinesA muscle grows and strengthens when it is pushed beyond its average capacity. Those who want to add muscle quickly will lift heavier and use different techniques to "shock" their bodies into growing muscle. Many people agree that free weights are better suited to building muscle than resistance machines because they force all the muscles to work to support the weight, rather than allowing the machine to help. It is also important to include exercises that target certain areas, such as chest presses, bicep curls, calf raises, or back squats.Building muscle also requires recovery time for the muscles to adjust. This involves getting the proper nutrition, sleep, and breaks between workouts. Most weight training programs geared at adding mass suggest a recovery time of two or three days in between training sessions. You may decide to do circuit training or cardio exercise in between, but be aware that burning too many calories can limit muscle growth. Many people who have difficulty adding muscle mass are making the mistake of working out too much.Weight Reduction WorkoutsMuscle weighs more than flab, and this has caused some people to get upset with their weight lifting programs. If the wrong type of exercise or an inappropriate routine is utilized, a person could actually gain weight because they are building muscle quickly. Those who want to lose weight will apply the opposite approach from muscle building. They should lift smaller weights with more repetitions and work in cardio activities more frequently.Types of EquipmentThere are several types of weight training equipment available from basic free weights such as dumbbells and barbells, to weight training stations and variable resistance machines.Free weights generally engage more of the body's muscles during a workout. Because you are not relying on resistance or other support to stabilize the weight, you improve coordination as well. However, this can make free weights more dangerous for beginners who do not have proper technique or who select weights beyond their capabilities. Free weights typically take up less space than training stations and can be purchased in the amount, style and price range to fit any budget.Resistance training machines use the design of the machine to target a specific muscle and work it without the assistance of other related muscles. There are several types of resistance machines. Some apply a constant resistance throughout the muscle movement. They place maximum resistance on a muscle or joint when it is at its
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