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Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution


Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution in Your Kitchen2003 Marilyn Diamond

If you're like me, you want to see some serious rejuvenation when you look in the mirror. But you're not interested in Botox, chemical peels, micro-dermabrasion, lypo-suction, jaw and cheek implants and all the other pricey, temporary, somewhat invasive "solutions."

If you're like me, I'm sure you spend at least a few minutes everyday making sure you're getting your protein. Who isn't focused on protein these days?

There's a protein revolution going on. It's happening in the chic restaurants in Santa Monica, California, where diet revolutions take birth. Hollywood stars with the prettiest skin and most slender, taut-muscled bodies are into it. Celebrity chefs are racing to master it. And web commerce Businesses that push it are thriving.

It's the rage in Boston, the buzz in Miami, and it's spreading like wildfire from San Diego to Wichita to Philadelphia, PA.

You may as well jump on the bandwagon. It's going to overtake everything else in the diet world in the months and years to come. Why wait?

Why not be the first in your group to look like you just came from one of those $25,000 health spa experiences that took twenty-five pounds and twenty-five years off your life?

If you're worn out from the struggle to lose those annoying bulges, this is your kind of revolution. If you want to go to the jean size you wore when you know you looked your best, now's the time.

All you have to do is eat sprouts for protein.

Sprouts for protein? Who ever heard of that?

It's not a fad, really. Before we had fire, we knew the value of sprouting grains, legumes and seeds. We knew instinctively that Nature had created them as potent nutritional bundles of health and energy. Without science at our disposal to tell us what we needed, we automatically germinated and sprouted these concentrated natural sources of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. We built our bodies on them.

Hung up on protein?

Amino acids are proteins in their most digestible form. Pound for pound, lentils and other sprouted beans give you as much protein as red meat, chicken or fish, with none of the fat, cholesterol, hormones, anti-biotics, and dangerous rendered feed residues found in animal proteins today.

Not to mention the cost.

The lentils and other beans you sprout in your kitchen cost just pennies per pound. Think about this next time you pull $10.00 out your wallet for a small package of skinless, boneless chicken breasts or fish fillets.

Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to rejuvenate?

Just this month, try something different. Grow fresh protein in your kitchen.

Simply purchase a pound of red or green lentils or mung beans. You'll find them in packages in your supermarket or in bulk in your favorite natural food store.

Measure out about a cup and soak them overnight in a covered container. Drain them in your colander and rinse them well to be sure you washed off all the natural inhibitors that keep them from sprouting until you need them to sprout. Now leave them right in the colander, on your kitchen counter, spreading them out a little so they don't clump together.

And watch what happens.

In only a few hours to just about a day, lentils and mung beans will start to grow little tails. As they begin to sprout, rinse them occasionally, and you'll see a miniature, kitchen garden of tiny, power-packed, living plants. When the tails are just barely visible, place the sprouts in an airtight container and store them in your fridge. They'll continue to sprout more slowly.

If rejuvenating weight loss is your goal, this is the clean, fat-free, practically instantly-absorbed protein you want for a beautiful body.

Now once, or twice a day, if you're motivated, add your sprouts to your salad. I say twice a day, because, like me, you may love this revolutionary high-protein, power-packed meal so much, you'll occasionally want it that often.

Not only for the slenderizing protein, but also for the abundance of vitamins and minerals, in readily available, economical form.