The Causes Of Acne And How To Avoid Them
you aren't a sufferer of the effects of acne, feellucky. Acne is one of the most common skin diseases in theUnited States, affecting some 17 million people.By definition, it occurs when the pores of the skin areplugged, where the natural oil, called sebum, can't reachthe pore's surface.Doctors believe that it could be the overproduction ofsebum that contributes to the clogging of pores, whichresults in the formation of pimples and zits. All of thisoccurs especially around the time of puberty, adolescenceand even into adulthood.Problems with severe acne can go on for years, even intoone's forties or fifties.The sebaceous glands, which produce the sebum, connect tothe hair follicle. Breakouts of pimples and/or zits on theface, upper-back and chest are most common in this arebecause this is where the glands are most active.While acne isn't a deadly disease, per se, it can lead toproblems later for those who've been inflicted by it.Whiteheads and blackheads can last for an extended periodof time, causing irritation and inflammation.Sufferers of acne usually become self-conscious if thepimples and zits lead to cysts that can leave deep facialscars. These scars may never truly disappear.Now that we understand the biological factors thatcontribute to acne, we can focus on the environmental andgenetic aspects of the disease. As far as genetics areconcerned, adolescents with a family history of acne tendto also have the disease.At some level, it's the way our genes program our glandsand hormones, which in turn affects how much oil the glandsproduce.Other factors can actually make acne worse. Greasy make-up,and other types of drugs, usually androgens, can cause acneto flare up. Women are more at risk as their menstrualcycle nears each month.Wearing tight collars, hats or even bags over the shoulderscan also contribute. Many times the weather can also affectacne. A hot and humid day can cause a breakout.Also, squeezing, popping or picking at lesions (pimples,whiteheads, blackheads and zits) will not help at all. Infact, the oil and bacteria on your hands will actually clogother surrounding pores more.So not everyone can avoid Acne, but if you know the causes,then there's a chance to prevent it.Discover useful advice and information about the causesand prevention of acne. Website contains useful articlesand updated information on this nasty skin condition.Click ==>
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