What is My Acne Really Trying to Tell Me?
t acne products do nothing more than waste money. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on creams and lotions only to find out they didn't really work or only gave youtemporary relief.Acne remains a serious problem for a lot of teenagers and even for some adults. Acne destroys confidence,leaving a person depressed and even suicidal. However,hope remains for many of it's desperate sufferers.Acne, like most other skin problems, exists only as a message that something inside the body isn't functioning properly. This means acne isn't really the problem you have to attack. The problem lies elsewhere inside the body which produces symptoms such as acne, blackheads and whiteheads.To make this idea easy to understand, take for example back pain. Lower back pain shows up as one of the many symptoms of an imbalance of vitamin C. When someone feels this back pain, their first thought may be to use pain killers. That may bring some relief but will never cure the back pain the same way acne creams can never cure acne.The point being that most people don't treat the real cause of the acne outbreak and will never experience total relief from the problem.Everyone with acne knows that when you stop using the topicallotions, your acne just keeps coming back just as bad as it didbefore you used the products but you still use them because youfeel there's no other way and this means a lot of Business forthe companies that make the lotions.These products simply try to hide your acne rather than cure it so you must continually rely on their product for any relief.Other problems with most acne products include creating newsymptoms you must deal with such as dry skin, itching and peeling.The only way to cure acne effectively is to fix the internal problem your body has. When you do this, you may find not only your acne, but other problems you have had in the past start to disappear.When an acne sufferer overcomes their acne problem, their confidence soars through the roof and they no longer feel any of the negative emotions such as anger, Depression and frustration that once tied in with the acne.It also means alot more money in your pocket. It is estimated that roughly $100 million is spent annually in the US on over-the-counter acne treatments not to mention the many millions more spent on prescription based treatments and other alternative remedies.Now that you know what acne really is, you can then begin to look for the true cause and from there look for a cure. The good news is that the causes of acne have now been established.Do you want to eliminate your acne naturally? Robert Kokoska has created a acne Home remedy ebook titled: "Perfect Skin Miracles"Download it for FREE here: http://www.1st-for-acne.com
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