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The Top Seven Myths About Arthritis

h #1: "Nothing can be done about arthritis..."

You don't have to put up with arthritis. Now motre than ever, there are excellent Medicines that can not only treat the symptoms but also, in many cases, get the disease into remission. Arthritis when diagnosed and treated properly can be controlled.

Myth #2: "It's all due to getting old..."

Arthritis affects all age groups. Arthritis can even affect children. Three out of every 5 people with arthritis are younger than 65 years!

Myth #3: "If I wait, it'll go away..."

Six million Americans believe they have arthritis but have never seen a physician! A proper diagnosis and treatment are important! Who doesn't want to see their children graduate or play with their grandchildren? It's a choice many Americans make every day.

Myth #4: "Arthritis Medicines have too many side-effects..."

Yes... Many of these medicines do have potential side-effects! Witness the latest flap over the COX 2 drugs. But...When properly monitored by an arthritis specialist, the chances for severe side-effects are much much lower! Let's face it... any Medicine you take has potential side-effects. What you and your physician have to determine is this: Are the potential side-effects- which by the way are relatively uncommon despite what the media would have you believe- worth my quality of life?

Myth # 5: "I'll never get arthritis..."

Seventy million people in the United States (25% of the population) suffer from arthritis!" Also, arthritis strikes 750,000 new people a year. More than 97% of people over 50 will get arthritis. Just because you don't have symptoms now doesn't mean you won't get symptoms soon.

Myth # 6: It's just aches and pains... Nothing I can't live with...Arthritis is the #1 cause of loss of personal freedom. More than 100,000 Americans can't walk independently from their bed to the bathroom because of arthritis. Ten million Americans are limited in their daily activities because of arthritis. Arthritis is the:

* leading cause of physician visits in adults over 65

* most common chronic disease

* most common cause of crippling

* most common cause of impairment and functional limitation in adults

Myth # 7: "My doctor can take care of arthritis..."

Unless your physician is a rheumatologist is remains active on the cutting edge of new research, there is no way he or she can "take care" of this condition. There has been a literal explosion of new treatments in the last three years. These treatments can make the difference between a life filled with joy and a life filled with dread.

Dr. Wei (pronounced "way") is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American college of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to: http://www.arthritis-treatment-and-relief.com